Chapter 27: Caution

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This chapter might be really short because it's just a filler . I will be updating a better chapter later on.

Luke POV:

Kira drove all of us to this rehab facility upstate. The kids had fell asleep in the back.

"Can't believe I'm really doing this."

I saw that Kira had a upset look on her face.

"What's wrong?"
"I'm going to miss you. We finally get back together and now we're gonna be apart until you get better."
"I know, but we'll get through this. I'm gonna call whenever I can and we'll write."
"People still do that?"

He chuckled and placed his hand on mine.

"I love you, Kira."
"I love you too."

We arrived at the facility and I checked myself in. I said goodbye to my family. I didn't know when I was gonna see them again.

I'm sorry that this sucked ass but there will be a new chapter when I get home tonight.

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