chapter 32: Why Now?

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Chapter 32: Why now?

Kari POV: I looked at my dad as he turned pale. I shifted my eyes over to my mom. She looked so happy and thrilled become a grandmother how I wanted Dad to react.

"Daddy. Say something."

He turned his attention to Scar.

"You s-"

He stopped mid sentence and started walking backwards.

" Daddy."

He put his hand on his chest and then he was on the ground, gasping for air.

"Daddy! mom, what's wrong!?"

"Oh my God! call 911! I think he's having a heart attack. Baby,baby, look at me. It's okay. Just don't leave me."

Scar out his phone and call 911.

"What's goi-"

I turn to see Kendall in the doorway.

"What happened?''

"I-I do-"

Scar came back in the room.

"The Paramedics are on there way."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I told him I was pregnant and-"

"This is your fault. If you weren't at school hoeing, Dad would be okay."

" Don't talk to your sister like that. Your sister isn't the reason for it. He's been stressed with his work and now we are expecting a baby."

"What?! Mom, aren't you a little too old? I mean, my baby will be around the same age as my new brother or sister."

"I am not old and I-"

We were interrupted by the paramedics rushing in the room. I left the room as they ripped open his shirt. Scar wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry, baby"

"It's not your fault. We should've been more careful."

"Baby, calm down. It's not good for the baby."

He bent down and kissed my belly.

2 hours Later

So much time has passed since Daddy was taken to the ER. Mom keeps silently crying in her hands. I want to go over to hug her and tell her that it's okay, but I knew that wasn't true. My dad could be dead. A sob Escaped as I thought about not having a dad. I remember times with him from my childhood. I hated them. I wanted my mom and my dad. Together, not separate. I never knew why my dad wasn't there. A doctor calling my mom brought me out of my thoughts. We all rushed ham.

"Mrs.Strong, your husband had a heart attack. He's fine, but he should rest and lay off any stressful activity. He should find something to help him relieve stress. You can see him now if you like."

We all made our way to my dad. The nurse was fixing his pillow when we walked in.

"Is this lovely family you've been telling me about?"

Dad turned his head to us and Mom, Kendall, and Kylie ran to him. I watch as they wrap their arms around him. I stay near the door with Scar. My dad turned and looked at Scar and I. He made a "come here" motion with his hand. We slowly walked towards him.

"I don't want you to think this is your fault."

"Dad, it is her fault. She's not even out of college and she is h-"

"Enough Kendall. I've just had a lot on my plate for awhile now. I'm taking over my company again, your mom and I can't agree on who my assistant should be, we're expecting a baby, Kari is expecting a baby and I have to pay for a new house for her and her college. It's just alot right now."

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