Chapter 7: It's Been Awhile

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😏😏😏😏😏I warned you😩😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😆😆😆😔😔 Time Jump: 5 years

Kira POV

"Yes, mommy?"
"Go get your coat. Aunt Kaneshia will be here any minute."

I chuckled as I watched my 4-year old stumble upstairs. I made the right decision. In the past 5 Years, I've moved twice and I even have a job as a waitress at this bar downtown. I perform there sometimes.

Kaneshia walked in and I noticed she dyed her hair again. It was 3 different shades of blue.

"Heyy Neshia."

She looked around and then saw Kari.

"Hi, baby."
"Auntie Kaneshia!"

Kari ran into Kaneshia's arms.

"Guess what?"
"Mommy said I gwew a whole inch."
"Wow. You're gonna be as tall as your-"
"Uncle KJ.", I interrupting her, knowing that she was going to say her father.

Kaneshia put Kari down and we watched her room back upstairs.

"Has she not asked about her father?"
"No. Thankfully."
"Have you heard from him?"
"Not since we moved. He doesn't know where we are and he doesn't know Kari is his baby."

She nodded. Kaneshia and KJ have been trying to get me to call Luke and tell him the truth since the day Kari was born. The truth is that every now and then I call him, just to hear his voice. I never said anything. Once he says something, I hang up.

We all got in Kaneshia's Red Ford Focus and went to the park. The same park that Luke saved me from. The park was packed. Kari ran straight for the Jungle Gym. Kaneshia and I sat on the bench, talking.

Luke POV:
"Cara, what do I have planned for today?"
"You have a meeting with Another Life at 3 and that's all for today."
"Is that that shitty nature club?"
"Yes and sir, you can't say that in front of them.", she said with a chuckle.
"Where's the meeting?"
"The park on Allendale."

I dismissed her and headed to the park. I spotted the Another Life Team near the trees and walked over to them. We introduced ourselves and then they went on and on about some bullshit about how they feel that since they are 3 other parks in the city and that they want to turn this park into a garden. I wasn't buying it and maybe there was some personal reasons behind it. I met Kira here. The girl I never stopped thinking about. I turned my head to cough and that's when I saw her. She was on the bench with Kaneshia. I was about to walk over there, then I remembered that I'm in a meeting.

"I really think that this Wil-"
"No. I'm not investing in stupid ass idea. I won't let you destroy this park"

I walked away from them and started walking towards Kira. I stopped when I saw a little girl run up to her, holding her arm. Kira and Kaneshia said something to her and walked away, leaving the little girl on the bench. She looked like Kira and nothing like KJ. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help it. I walked to the bench where she was. I kneeled down to her.

"Hi, what's your name?"
"Kari Strong."

Strong. Was this my daughter?

"Are you a scwanger?"
"No, I'm not a stranger. I'm a friend of your mom."

I turned around to see Kira standing behind me.

"Kira. I-it's good to see you."
"Umm, Luke, this is my daughter, Kari... Wilde."
"She already told me her name."

I saw Kaneshia coming from the bathroom.

"Kira, we have to talk."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bridge that's over the pond.

"How could you do that?"
"Luke, you have this business that you have to run and I knew you wouldn't have wanted a baby."
"Who said I didn't want a baby?"
"Dak.", she mumbled.

I glared when she nodded.

"When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared, so I told Dak and he told me how you made your last girlfriend get a abortion and then you left her."
"I wouldn't have left you."
"Well, it's too late."
"I wanna be apart of Kari's life. She's my daughter, Kira."
"She needs more than just having money thrown at her."
"Kira, I know it's not. It's about love and that's all I want to do for her. And you."
"You can be apart of her life, but that doesn't mean that we are just suddenly back. We are just two friends who co-parent."
"I mean it, Luke."

She walked away from me and sat down with Kari and Kaneshia.

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