Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Slash's P.O.V.

Scarla's eyes bore into mine, scared and innocent, fogged with unshed tears. What were they going to do with her? Why did they have both of us in here together?

The woman walked around to Scarla's table, hooking her up to an IV. After a few minutes of fiddling with the machinery, Scarla's quick paced heartbeat pulsed on the monitor and the high pitchedbeep beep beep sound echoed around the room.

She walked back to the counter and ushered the other Scientist, Nathan, over. Once I saw the gleam of the red liquid, I shuddered. Then it hit me. Two syringes. Two experiments. One injected with the pain gifted Red Shift. The second joins. The monsters were going to inject Scarla with that terrible chemical.

I snarled as the Scientists turned back to us. Nathan seemed to smile almost and I definitely saw Marcus on the other side of the room grin wildly. Sarah walked around to Scarla's table while Nathan stood at mine, the needles resting on our arms. They glanced up at each other and nodded and I felt the needle poke through my skin.

Scarla was the first to start screaming. Her screams were so high pitched, so loud, they blocked out the beeping of the IV. She writhed and cringed at the pain, her screams sounding as if they hurt her as well. I noticed her small fangs grow larger to roughly the size as Kanine's were. As I looked at her, trying to swallow my pain, I saw the Red Shift coursing through her veins. They glowed bright red through her dark skin. She looked as if she was slowly breaking apart, cracking at every angle.

I couldn't hold it back any more; I released my scream and it collided with hers, making the room all the more loud. It was so loud, the Scientists from the other side of the island should be able to here us. The same feeling I had felt from the times before was back; burning me alive, skinning me, pouring cyanide onto my eyes to make them burn wildly. All four of my canines grew out, my claws doing the same. My brain felt as if it was swelling up in my head, slowly cracking my skull like an egg.

Finally, the pain began to fade again, replaced by heat and energy. I glanced over at Scarla, her eyes were now more ember red than blood red and her fangs were at least two times longer. I felt the room rise in heat greatly, eminating from the little vampire girl. Was it coming from me too? Was that why they kept me in a freezer-like room? Was it why the Scientists looked sweaty and exhausted afterwards like they were now?

The beeping of the IV had gradually slowed, Scarla taking smaller, more paced breaths. She looked up at me, frightened and worried but emanating the same power I held. Her eyes fluttered close and her breathing became lighter as she passed out.

"Excellent, excellent. This is good. This is very, very good." Marcus piped up, practically dripping sweat. He frantically jotted down notes as he mumbled things to himself.

"Take them both down to floor eight and have them in different cells. In the same one they'll probably melt all the ice away." he blurted out quickly. The two Scientists that had injected us put on gloves and jackets and started rolling us out.

My eyelids suddenly felt heavy, and my body was numb. The lights around me began to dim and the Scientists blurred to just white-coated figures. I began falling deeper and deeper into the darkness, the peacefulness swallowing me.


It was late evening, the sun leaving behind a pink slit of light behind the towering scrapers of a city. The once bright blue sky had faded to blackness, speckled with little, white, twinkling stars.

My feet rested flat on the asphalt surface, warm from baking in the sun all day. In front of me was a crumbling brick building. It looked decades old with its eerie stature and dark, dust covered windows. You could just barely make out shapes moving behind them.

Suddenly, my feet began walking me towards the building, the old apartments drawing me in. The front doors creaked when I pushed them open, sending spirals of dust into the air. The inside was dark and damp, silent as a library. The only sounds I could hear was the sound of my own racing heart and heavy breathing.

I glanced around the wide room; a group of kids were sprawled about, leaning against dusty furniture, whispering to each other. They didn't look right, they didn't look normal. I couldn't name the differences, the things that made them look inhuman but they weren't just average children. As I stood there, they paid no attention to me like I wasn't even in the same universe as them.

My eyes flickered, catching a shadow drifting up the staircase in the far corner. Without command, my feet dragged me along to follow the figure up the stairs and down a hallway, into an empty room. An almost empty room. In the corner sat a familiar figure; her wings stretched out slightly. Her eyes glowed bright blue, but the red ring still lined the pupils.

She glanced up in my direction, her wings ruffling. She didn't smile or gleam; her face remained expressionless, like she saw right through me. I took a few steps closer, her wings ruffling more. I knew what that was. It happened all the time.

The Scientists would send us into the arena sometimes, blindfolded, and if we tried to remove the blindfolds, we'd get shocked. Our wings would ruffle if we sensed the opponent come near.

I was invisible to her, just an unseen entity. Why? What was happening? Where was I?

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