Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Scarla’s P.O.V.

I cradled myself in the corner, invisible. Images of Kanine’s hurt body burned into my mind. After three hours, Dylan, Shade and I were able to turn back into our human forms; think human thoughts, you get human body.

Tears were rolling down the side of my face. Just hours before, Kanine was teaching us how to communicate with her, how to survive, and what to do when the Scientists came. She held me in her arms and let me pet her wings, telling me stories of terrible fights she had here. She was so, so, so nice and Dylan tore her away because he was a big sore loser.

The three of us haven’t even been able to look at each other. Shade’s been on the bunk, lying down and facing the wall. Dylan was in the opposite corner, his eyes remained wide as he cradled himself, I think he was going through shock.

I’ve been in my own corner, crying and hugging myself, that image of Kanine’s cold, lifeless body remaining in my mind. Every time I closed my eyes, that picture would be there on the back of my eyelids, her once magical blue eyes now pale grey, staring up at me.

I know what comes next; nightmares. For a six-year-old, I’ve seen plenty of horror movies and cop shows in my life to know that. I was so scared and without Shade or Dylan, I didn’t know what to do.

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