Chapter 30

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THANKYOU SO MUCH TO iluvdaisychain for reading my story and liking!

AND THANKYOU SOOOO VERY MUCH to the people who have fanned! It honestly means a whole lot! i never thought this story would become this popular!



~KC Blares


Chapter 30

Helena's P.O.V.

Suddenly, I woke up with a start. The familiar greyness was there but, something was different. I could feel the room become emptier… What the hell? I sat up, instinctively listening for Kale’s breathing. Instead, there was only deep slow breathing from across the room.

Fake snoring?

I listened closer, exploring the room with my hearing. The wind blew out side, whistling hauntingly. Creaking of floor boards and a distinct scrabbling came from upstairs, where a family of rats had made residence. A slight pitter patter of rain on the roof beat along with my racing heart. Deep fake snoring continued, but less fake now. Was it Kanine?

“Who’s there?” I asked, following the snores. They slowed, then picked up again… They were awake. Taking a deep breath, I sat up.

“You’re awake.” I announced, folding a thin blanket around my shoulders. Still, goose bumps rose along my arms. There was a tiny grunt from across the room. It was Kanine.

“What?” she asked, keeping her voice low? She was holding something back, like she was trying not to yelp. There was the slight sent of something burnt in the air. Like Moretta’s last attempt at cooking on our tiny stove. We only used it for boiling water now.

“Are you…. Burnt?” I asked, almost laughing at the absurdity.



“Your boyfriend over there got a little mad at me.”

“Well what the hell did you do?” I asked, walking closer to the bed.

“Only stated out loud what he already knew.” Slyness crept into her voice, making me want to take a step back, but I held my ground, not showing her any weakness.

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