26 Tagged by Villains

181 14 6

Hi guys! I know, I'm such an evil person for not ever updating, and to make me even worse, this isn't a story chapter. 

I was tagged by  JohnAAJoseph, to do the '13 facts about me' thingy ma-bob. Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm doing, and the title definitely doesn't mean I think he's a villain. (I'm just really bad at titles, so I had nothing else, sorry bro) So, here I am, ready and able to tell you all the useless stuff about me. 

1. It is necessary to post all the rules
2. You have to say 13 things about yourself
3. You can't refuse (but honestly, who's checking?)
4. You have to complete the challenge within a week or the tagger can choose a punishment
5. the post must be made in a book chapter, nowhere else like comments or tagger's profile. 
6. You must make a creative title name
7. You must tag 15 other people

The 13 Facts About Me:

 My real name is Mia. I want to change it from that to mimi on my profile though, but people already know me as Mia so I've left it. 

My favorite book genre's to read are actually romance and comedy. I don't read sci-fi that much, and I don't ever watch sci-fi movies, even though I love them. 

 I'm still a teen incase you guys were wondering, and everything I know, I learn from the internet.

My biggest fears are being completely alone in life, especially when I need someone most, and drowning. (or any other kind of suffocation, but drowning is the worst) But is it crazy that I love swimming to bits, and I can't swim unless my head is underwater? Still, I'd rather burn to death than drown. 

I hate oreos. 

 I really don't like eating rice.

One of my wishes is to work for Marvel one day, just to see what it's like.

I can create fake scars and bruises, and one time I did it for me, my mom and best friend and told a girl my sewing machine fell on us. She thought it was true, and when we told her we lied, she refused to give us her sandwich. 

Guys, I have no more facts! I'm way too boring for this!!!

Even though this isn't thirteen at all, I know you all want to get straight to the book. So, I'm done here, enjoy! 

I tag the following to do this: |
queenj-thebae DestinyHopeHaddock Write_Your_Life_Away writersofthesoil02 peri_333 constantlyhungry01 KateEternal RomanIVSalvatore FireCutie96 dextrano americanbow Wynter_Antoinette TTMAPF TinaYTina12 bfregal 

Yeah. This is only fourteen but, it's alright. 
Have fun you guys! xxxxxxx

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