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Oh my holy peanuts! Lumpy bums! AHHHH

It's getting so close. So so close to the end. I'm thinking, once we reach the last three chapters, I'll stop leaving you hanging and just publish them all at once. Deal?

But we still have a long way to go before we get the booties moving. SO READ READ READ. *whispers in distance* "and vote!" 


Dedicated to americanbow for voting on everything! Thank you so much for supporting, it means so much to me. Stay bae, love ya boo. 


I closed my eyes. 

What else could I do? 

My face was covered in dried blood, and the air in this clean sliver ship seemed to get colder and colder by the minute. 


But really Emily? Help? Where the hell was I meant to get help now. That's all I ever do. Beg, plead, complain. Stupid. I blame my father, for making everything available to me with a snap of my fingers. That's why I was here. I let them take me. I just went on thinking I could ask to go back. And then they did the unthinkable, they left me. 

Now what? 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to Jessica's smiling face. "Don't sleep yet honey bear! You have so much to do today, we can't afford for you to be slacking now!" She laughed, a smile so bright it made the stars around us look dull. I shoved her arm away from me. "Leave me alone" I hissed, and she pouted her perfect red lips. "Don't be so cranky" she laughed, but there was an off note in her tone. That was a threat. 

"Look, Em, I know you're upset, but everything I do is for you. And if you won't help me, you know what will happen to Lucas" 

I rolled my eyes. "Please, how could you kill him?" I asked, and she grinned a sly smile, one that stretched from her evil little chin to her beady little eyes. "I might not be able to, my little panda, but I don't have to be the one holding the gun" 

Shoot. I didn't even think that far ahead. Right now, I wish I had a plan. I wish I had a way to strangle her until she died in my hands. But that was impossible. Her death made sure of my death. So I sat in silence as the ball of butterflies grew and grew in my stomach. 


I think I'm going to be sick.

Through the windows, I could see blue lights flashing. They knew. They saw us approach. This gave me hope. Maybe we could fight them. Maybe they would survive, but the sly smile on Jessica's face told me that they had something big under their sleeve. And that hurt me. I took in a slow breath, careful not to trigger a seizure. Although I hadn't had one in a while, the moment I took one off breath, it would start the pain. 

My mouth was bitter, or maybe that was my personality, but it tasted bad either way. 

I took in another slow breath, and my heart started racing. 

Oh God no! 

It started. 

"I need a mask" tapped the soldier on the shoulder. 

He ignored me, and with each second my lungs got heavier and the pain thudded in my blood. Now I knew. This cold,wasn't new oxygen, it was because there was no oxygen. 

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