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Ma milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and I'm like, that booty is gorg!
Useless life update: I'm catching feelings all over again. Every time he bloody talks man, I just fall deeper into the love ditch. 

Who has a crush they can't get over, and got not gifts from this valentines day? In memory of beautiful chapter 14. Mwah. 


I wiped away the alcohol that dripped from my chin, and glared at them. 

In two quick minutes, Jess had managed to cover her hideous little face with her hands, but it didn't change the fact that she betrayed me. 

"You! I can't believe it! You let me believe we were sisters!" I screamed, wielding a new bottle of brandy as my weapon. I could kill her right now if I wanted, and nobody on the ship could stop me. I was a bottle wielding, intoxicated member of The Order. The greatest ship to ever live. Now, I was sure. I was going back, home

Jess shivered under my gaze, and I clicked my tongue. 


I took another swig of brandy, and felt the warm fuzziness running through me again. All I wanted was to crumble, to crawl under a bed and cry. I was so sick of it. Sick of it all, but this time, hiding was not an option. Crying wasn't even an option. For the first time in my life, I had to make my own decisions, and face my own problems like a woman. 

Today, the drunk, aggressive Emily became a woman. She wasn't a little girl anymore. 

I turned around as Tyler stumbled through the room, long legs tripping over each other as he crawled in. I smiled, a good wide smile, and pointed my brandy bottle right at them. I wanted Tyler to see this. Maybe this would make him realize his worth. He needed to fall out of love with her, she used him. 

How could anyone use a guy like Tyler? 

His eyes widened as he took in the scene in front of him, and I watched all the little tears wobble in his eyes. I felt bad, but this is what he needed. "Tyler, come here" he looked up at me, sad eyes and everything, but slumped over anyway. I didn't really want to hug him right now, but I needed that gun. 

It was about time I did what I needed to do. It's about time I took over. 

I opened my arms wide for a 'hug' and slipped the gun out of his pocket. "Sorry Tyler" I winked, aiming the gun at Lucas, and pulling the trigger. 

"Bloody!-" he yelled, gasping at his shoulder. He fell to the floor, squeezing his hand over the hole as blood gushed through. 

"You bitc-" I drowned out all the colorful words as I pointed the gun at her, and shot. Red splattered, screamed were made, and I watched as Tyler tried to help her, before I held him back. It was too late now. She wasn't dead, but I wasn't going to stick around to see it. I watched the room one more time. It felt like I was in a movie, only seeing it from someone else's eyes. In this new head, I was heartless, but I did it because I cared. I shot them because I cared. About who? I don't even know, and frankly, I didn't give two damns. 

I repeated these words as Jess yelled cuss words, and Lucas shed tears. 

"I thought you cared, Lucas" I whispered, but he heard, his angry face staring me hard in the eyes. "I did this for you! I did this to save you Emmie!" His grey eyes darkened, the pupils getting smaller as blood spilled out of his shoulder. Realization snapped back to me, as well as a wave of sober thoughts. 

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