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Hello Hello Hello!!! This book finally made it to 1K. Super exciting news bruh! Even though it moved down on the list, this made it a lot better, so I'm publishing this chapter early like beans...... WORD. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHVOTEHAHAHAHAVOTEVOTEHAHAVOTE. 

I SAID GET IN THE CAR TOBY!!! *poses a shockingly fabulous fashion pose*

felt every little bead of sweat on my head. Every nerve in my body was speeding through me like fire. I couldn't be more nervous about this. 

I turned to Tyler on my side. He looked to me and smiled a toothy grin. Oh, that mouth. I just wanted to kiss it again and again. "Don't be nervous" he said softly, cupping my cheek in his hand. I focused only on the warmth of his hands before I nodded my head. "It's my father" I whispered, more to myself than him. I didn't know how I was meant to face my own father when right now, even Lucas and I were on better terms. I took in a huge gulp of air and let it out slowly. 

What do I even say? 'Hey father, no, no, I'm doing good! I've made a friend with my stomach, and I've kissed a boy that I'm slowly falling for, but don't worry, he's only one of your sworn enemies. Oh, and I almost forgot, they kidnapped me without my meds so I'm slowly dying. Infact, if I'm not careful, I could die tomorrow, but at least my friend Lucas gave me suspicious red drugs, so, I think I'll be good, except there's someone else trying to kill me, but don't worry about that, so, how are you?

I looked to Tyler and nudged him. "Huh?" he asked, looking back down at me from his tall muscular frame. "I need the bathroom" I whispered and he frowned. "Really?" I nodded my head, giving him a look that showed him how stupid he was being. No Tyler, I don't need the bathroom, that's just what I say so I can ride wild animals in the bushes. He sighed and led me away to a small little room, and he stood there, watching me. I stared back, tapping my feet on the white tiled floor. "Can you get out?" I asked. He shook his head. "I have to watch you" I rolled my eyes. "Like I could jump out of a windowless room into plain space where I would suffocate, explode and die a painful death, I don't think so" He sighed at me and gave me a look before slouching his way out. "Pervert" I hissed.

Quickly, I ran the tap and got the pill I put in my pocket. I would rather stay alive while talking to my father, but then again, maybe that'd convince him to take me back. I thought about it a moment, staring down at the small red pill in my palm. I carefully slid the pill back into my pocket and flushed the toilet. Turning off the tap I knocked on the door which opened. Tyler ginned at me and took my hand, tugging me to the room. "Are you ready?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Ready as I'll ever be" He kissed my forehead before sending me off, smacking my butt. "Go get em babe!" he yelled across the room, and I shook my head and waddled off...


The nerves got back to me in the confines of my chair. I watched the gigantic wall screen with impatience. The sooner I got this over with, the better I'd feel. I gave a small nod to Jessica who was watching me intently. She scowled, ruining her perfect features. I shuddered in return and looked back to the screen. With a flash came my fathers face. He looked at me once before turning white as a sheet. "What have you done to her?!!" he shrieked, attacking the screen to which two men held him back. Then I remembered my appearance, my once long golden blonde waves were mess of mucky brown, and my clear blue eyes as black as smudged coal. I was different now. 

I stared him in the eyes and he calmed down, sitting back in his chair. "Father" I greeted, and he gave me a small smile. "My Emily" he looked close to tears but I ignored it, just like he ignored the fact that I was on this ship. "I miss you Emily" he spoke softly. I kept my cold stare. 

"I wanted to go home father, but you left me" His eyes widened, but he didn't speak. 
"I almost died!" I yelled, holding in tears. "I am dying" my voice came out softer now. My father wiped a hand over his face. "Emil-" 

"Don't" I cut him off. "I'll be dead soon anyway" I snapped. "It's not like you care! I'm on The Valerie father! They could have killed me, I could be gone from this life forever, and you wouldn't know! I don't even have medications to keep me alive! My body is going against me father! I'm killing myself, and it's painful. It hurts so much"

In all my time here, I was so focused on everything else, and now that I thought it, felt it, I could feel just that little pang on pain all over my body. Dying wasn't peaceful, it was painful, and it was hurting me, crippling me. I turned to jelly in my seat, and without even caring, I fell off, my head banged against the floor, and every thought turned to dust in my head. I listened to every sound till it turned to silence as I watched the view from the ground. I closed my eyes, and for the first time ever, I actually rested. 


"Why didn't you take your pill"

The question was angry, accusing. I barely had time to open my eyes before he asked me, staring at me from his great height. I rolled my eyes and covered my head with the all too familiar hospital blanket. 

The blanket was ripped off my head, revealing to me, the draft of cold air that sent goosebumps across my skin. "I didn't faint Lucas, and it wasn't my heart" I stated coldly. I watched those oddly familiar grey eyes as they stared at me. 

"I don't care, you should take the pills I gave you, I'm trying my hardest to save your life and you're taking it for granted" 

I threw my hand in the air. "Wow! How about we all hail the great Lucas for his contribution to society, saving lives since one week ago!" He glared at me, and I rolled my eyes. "What's the point Lucas? What to I possibly have left to live for? Constant heart seizures aren't adding to the cause, neither is being totally alone on a ship of people who, quite frankly, would prefer it if I was dead anyway! Please Lucas, kill me!" 

The words were sour on my mouth, but it was for the better. 

"kill me."

"You know I can't do that" he spoke, rough voice crackling like popping candy. 
"Why not?" I challenged, crossing my arms over my chest. He sighed at me, rubbing a hand over his face. "I won't" I nodded my head. Fine, if we wasn't going to kill me, I'd find someone who could. "Then at least leave me to die" He groaned and sat down on the floor across from me. "I can't do that either" I glared at him. What was his problem. "Why?" He shrugged, "I owe it to you" I rolled my eyes, shuffling in my bed, "Me? what changed?" He looked up at me, raising a brow. "You really wana know?" I nodded my head, waiting for an answer. "Freedom changed, I changed" 

"What do you mean you changed?" 

He shuffled in his space, hiding his face behind his hands. "Lucas?" He took a peek at me and ignored me again. "Lucas, tell me!" I yelled, and he threw his hands away, sighing deeply as he spoke. "I care alright?" he yelled back, "I care about you! And trust you me, I don't care about anybody!"

I stared wide eyed. Between Tyler's like confession and Lucas care confession, and the fact that Someone on the ship was trying to sabotage my life, things were getting a little too crazy. The silence stood still between us as he hid his face. 

"What?" I asked and he looked up at me and glared. 

"I am NOT repeating that!" he scowled, embarrassment dotted across his face.

"How? you don't even know me" he looked at me like I was stupid, before freezing, a cocky grin spreading across his rough skin, and his grey eyes sparked with something teasing. 

"Wait" he chuckled, watching my confused face. "You don't remember me!" He laughed harder, his ab muscles moving as he died on the floor. 

"You really don't remember me? Wow...Emmie

Oh no. Only one person called me Emmie.


Hoooollllyyyyy! She doesn't remember?? Do you? Do I?
We'll never know..........*walks backwards into fog*

Life update: there's this new guy at school with a really really really good looking body, and then his face looks super funky. I don't understand how life can be so unfair. 

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