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Sorry for slow updates guys, but my best friend has officially left and I'm a little too upset for this. 
I haven't had time to write, but I knew I needed to update. Hope you like it. 

I love his sound. Everything about this cover is beautiful.Can someone sing with me like this one day


I woke up in a haze. 

My head throbbed with pain, but if felt like satisfaction. I hadn't gotten beaten up without the last word. 

"Rise. and . shine" 

Oh god. Jess. I groaned, tilting my head all the way back. I still hadn't opened my eyes, and I wasn't sure I wanted to. "Open your eyes, my little puppy. I'm sure daddy here wants you to give him a good look" I sighed, finally opening my eyes a little bit. I saw Jess in front of me, lying on top of my father's polished table. I rolled my eyes, and turned my head to the side, catching a glimpse of my father. 

He gulped, but didn't turn to face me. He just stared in front of him like a programmed computer. Still, silent. 

"You'know? You're not that tough for a ship leader. You're a softie" Jess said, looking directly at my dad. But he didn't face her, simply starred ahead. "What?" Jess said, finally sitting up from the table. "You're not going to respond?" 

No response. 

"Hey, I'm talking to you" She snapped, no reply. After a few tense seconds, she laughed darkly, the kind of laugh to send a chill down your spine. "You better listen up, and listen good, because I'm not repeating this. You speak, when spoken to. Otherwise, you're not a fun toy, and you know what I do to old toys? Kill them" she spoke, green eyes turned to slits. 
I took in a slow breath, and Jess caught me, turning to me brightly. "I've been waiting so long for you to wake up, sugar cakes. You know you snore right?" she said, crossing her long legs and and arms. "I shrugged, not bothering to talk to her. "But he beat you up alright. Knocked you right out. You shouldn't provoke him." she said.  

I let the cheeky smile creep across my lips. Provoking him was so worth it. 

She smiled back, nodding her head and laughing lightly. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" 
I shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not" and she winked at me, pulling the chair from behind the desk, and sitting on it. 

She swirled the chair right up to my face, and looked me in the eyes. "Next time, don't

I held in my breath again until she swirled away, and back to the glossy desk. 
It took her a long time to snoop in the drawer before she looked up, giving me a small dangerous smile. "Found it!" she exclaimed, turning back down to the drawer and pulling out the same small knife. It shone so bright in this lighting, and looked so sharp it could cut clouds. The handle was slightly older metal, silver with small engraved patterns on it. 

After stopping, and watching us for a minute, she bit her bright red lip and squinted her eyes. 

"Who should we kill first?" she asked, all her attention focused on us in front of her. Then she stopped, and her gaze landed on me. "Actually, Emily, I think this should be your decision. Who do you love more?" 


I didn't expect this one bit. I froze, and I felt all the eyes of everybody and everything turn to look at me. 

"Emily?" Jess asked again, after I didn't respond. "Who should we kill first?" 

I closed my eyes and turned my head away. I wasn't going to answer this. It wasn't right. 

Jess laughed. 

"Poor baby!" she exclaimed, "Having to make this big decision all on her own!" I ignored her taunts. After a long silence, Jess spoke again, much softer this time. "You know? I thought you'd kill Tyler first. He's nothing to you, nothing to me, and for god knows how long, he's been playing piggy in the middle" 

I turned my head to take a quick look at Tyler. His head was tilted all the way back, and if it wasn't for the small rise and fall of his chest, I would have thought he was unconscious or even worse, dead. 

"I'm not killing anybody" I said at last, and Jess didn't move. She stayed there still and silent and her eyes only blinked once. "Yes, you are" she said, eventually taking a breath and flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Nobody is going to die just because you're looking for revenge" I said back, and her face almost turned as red as her hair. "You have quite the nerve for someone with their life on the line" she hissed. 

"Well maybe my life means nothing anymore. At least not to me. So go ahead, Jess. Stab me" 

Her eyes narrowed, and she clenched her jaw. 
"You! You think you're so clever don't you? You think you're so special cause you get the guy, the looks, the big happy family with a sad little tale to tell. 'Oh my mother died!' 'Oh my boyfriend kissed some girl twenty damned years ago!' Well get over it! You don't know anything about feeling upset, alone, betrayed! You don't know a thing about not being loved. You've had life at the snap of your fingers, and all you've ever cried about is a little pimple problems. Then you have the nerve to come here and tell me how bad of a person I am? What about the same man that started this mess, this war between us. All the trauma and the pain, and I knew I couldn't cry, because I was that daughter. The one nobody wanted. Then you came. Then you came to the damn Valerie and cried your little heart out and took away the one person I ever wanted to be mine. You cried once, and the whole world cried with you. But me? I'm still the monster. I'm still the big bad Jess that everybody hates just because I want you to feel the same pain that I feel. How damn disgusting of a person I feel, is nothing compared to a good, 'I'll kill your family moment', Because at the end of the day, this one man is your only family, and he's the same one that simply left you to die because he knew you'd be dying on your own anyway. And the person who saved your heart? Who created those pills-"

She pulled aside the material of her dress, and pulled it all the way up, revealing a huge scar above her rib cage. 

Then she pulled it back down and fished in the side of her dress. Quickly, she pulled out a small red tube, a few red pills jingling inside. 

" I made those pills. I'm the one that wanted to save you, because I knew my father wouldn't." 
She starred me straight in the eyes. Inside them wasn't just the monster I knew her as. She was sad, vulnerable.... and I guess disappointed. In me. 

There was just us and the tense silence for a long while before she took a step back. Little tears wobbled in her eyes, and I felt her pain. 

"And I disappointed you" I continued, and she shook her head, looking at me as if I was the monster. 

"In the beginning, I knew I wanted to save you, but the moment you looked at me like that, I was done. I can't save you anymore, Emily. You will always be an Order. You will always be one of them."

And with that, she'd run out the room, dress trailing behind her. 

An Order....

One of them..........

I let myself cry. 

I let the pain of the bruises, her story and everything take me away into my own pit of sadness. 

I'd always thought The Order was good. 
Tyler's words rung in my head. The first conversation we'd ever had. 
"Don't always believe what you're told"



I think everybody hates Jess with their whole entire being, but I just love her so much. 
Anybody who loves Jess, don't be ashamed, I'm with you, I really am. 

THE END IS NEAR! Like really near. Like so, so super vegetable booty near. So I'm going to type it all out and just update update update all at once. Look out for this jumbo update and then the credits part, to all the people who stood by this really crappy book. 

I love you all so much and it means so much to me to the people who voted, read, and added to their reading lists. We reached 3K reads and that's so bae!!!!

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