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Is it human to eat two packets of gum in an hour? I think I'm going mad. Hey you! All of you, thank you so much for getting TAV in so many reading lists with so much support. I woke up to a vote and list spam, and boy it felt good!

I thought my father loved me.

And now, I think I was wrong.

Judging by the seemingly endless hours I spent on this ship, they didn't love me. They left me. They didn't care about me. All of them on the bloody Order knew I needed my meds. They knew I needed my drugs to survive but they left me. I could have been dead by now, and nobody bothered to bargain something with The Valerie. Maybe the long man was right. He was right about everything so far.

"Thinking about me?"

I looked up and spat at him. The same long man with his crooked nose. He smiled and took a small metal box to sit on, moving till he was right up to the bars of my cell. "You know princess" he started, and he looked like he was thinking hard about something. "We haven't been introduced" I rolled my eyes. I didn't care. "Everyone on the ship knows you, but you don't know me. Do you recognise me?" he grinned, biting his lip and stretching his hand out. "Lucas" he smiled. I shuffled away. The name was too familiar on my tongue, and it didn't make me feel happy.

"Really, princess, you're safe behind the bars, I can't get you there" he grinned. chuckling a little. I shook my head, and shuffled even further away. "Princess, I promise I won't hurt you now" he said, "Have I ever lied to you before?" And then I thought about it. He never has lied to me. Everything he's told me has been the truth in detail, every word, spot on. I gave in and nodded my head, stretching my arm out to shake hands. "Emily" I said, pulling my hand away. Shaking his hand alone, felt like making a deal with the devil.


After he left, I washed my hands. Better to be safe than sorry.

I felt my stomach rumble, and I patted it to calm down. "Hey, you mustn't growl at your master" I scolded it,  rubbing it gently. "No, even I don't know when food will arrive" I sighed, smiling down at my stomach. "You're my only friend here" I spoke, and my tummy rumbled in return. I nodded, before feeling a tight squeeze in my chest.

Fear clouded everything I saw, felt, heard. I didn't want to die, I couldn't die. I wasn't ready. I took a huge breath, trying to get air to flow through me, the quicker it got through to my heart, the better. "breathe" I cooed, trying to get myself not to panic. Each time I panicked, it got worse, sending me into a full blown seizure. Seizure. And I panicked.

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