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Woooowww. I'm so super sorry for missing all those updates. My internet got cut in a recent rain storm, and so I've missed out on everything here. In three days, my life has gone down the drain with the book moving ALL the way down to #679. The worst thing that could happen to me. But, like Chuck Noris, I always come back, with more, and more and more updates. You get an update, you get an update, YOU GET AN UPDATE!!!! 

So, to say sorry, I'll be publishing two of them today. To make up for today as well as Wednesday. I love you guys. Eat your veg. I dunno what else.... TWERK IN PUBLIC mwahahah hahaha haha ha ha. sorry. 


My heart was racing after I woke up. I'd never had a sleep that deep, and now, I didn't even remember a thing about yesterday.

I heard the click of heels against a tile floor and the little slam of the bulky metal door. Actually, it wasn't a little slam, it was a really loud thump of the door. In walked an almost nude Jessica in another strappy red dress with a huge fluffy caramel faux fur cape. I gawked at how awesome it looked, regal and trailing after her, even in her tall long legs in heels, it still stretched for ages. "Wow" I let out a breath, dying to just reach out a touch it, possibly to fall asleep on it for days.

"Wow, I'm surprised you're awake lovie" she giggled, sitting down on the metal box while the cape pooled around her like dozens of angel hairs. "What do you mean?" My voice was groggy from sleep and I probably looked even more of a sleepy mess than usual. "You don't remember?" she chuckled, "You cried about Lucas being gone, I didn't know you guys dated by the way, and then I brought out the liquor and we alcohol binged. Rough night" she sighed, adjusting the beautiful stretch of fur around her. "Lucas? gone?" I paused, "Dated?" she smiled, "Yes honey, and I just came to check on my new sworn bestie for life, also, I brought you some chocolates" she smiled, pulling out two huge bars of chocolate. Something about the chocolates put off my appetite, but I smiled and accepted them. It wasn't like me to drink, infact, I had only drunk once and that wasn't worth the hype. Now, I had apparently drunk till I admitted all my secrets, claimed Jessica as my best friend, and then forgotten all about it. Something about that story didn't feel right, but I had nothing else to go on, so I nodded my head, pulling my wild hair back and tying it with another strand. It probably looked a mess, but it was all I had to go on.

"Oh honey, don't do that" Jessica tutted, pulling out two bobbles from her cape. What else did she have under there?

Careful with her nails, she opened up my cell and let herself in, sitting herself beside me. She pulled out a little bag. Oh god, is that why she always wore a cape? To hide her thousand pockets? Opening it up, she pulled out a little brush and travel sized hair conditioner. "Ew girl" she moaned, picking at my hair. "We have a lot more work to do. This is a charity case" she frowned, attacking my hair painfully with the comb. Harsh. She got out every knot, and practically finished up her mini travel conditioner. "There!" she squealed. I smiled, actually being able to run a hand through my hair. "Thanks!" I said, but she shook her head, "That's not it babe!" she scolded me, rummaging in the bag for a bunch of travel makeup supplies. "Whoah!" I shook my head, "Keep them things away from me!" she rolled her beautiful green eyes, smacking my hands violently. "No, you are wearing it!" I watched my hand, trying to shake off the pain. That actually hurt. "I don't want!" I whined, careful not to get another hand slap.

She shoved my arms away from my face. "At least some concealer"

"Just concealer"

"And maybe like, eyeliner" she pouted, and I rolled my eyes.


"Wait, but you can't have eyeliner without mascara, I mean, come on!"

I didn't even understand all these names, but I let her do my makeup anyway.

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