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Probably the last story chapter of TAV you're ever going to see. I know, I know, enjoy it while it lasts, and don't forget to leave a vote. 


The Order were forced into the room just the same time I was. 
My mind was still tired and sleep deprived, and even my bare wrists were numb as they were tied to yet another chair. Shouts, yells, and the shuffling of feet was all I could hear, and slowly, all the noise halted to a stop, and only the sound of Jessica's impossibly high heels could be heard, taking slow victorious steps. 

Even I couldn't resist, and I rolled my head back up to watch her. 

Her posture was as straight as the walls around us, and she wore the most expensive looking dress I've ever seen. Even in the dark, the shimmer of gold could be seen, with a long golden sheer draping over her waist, It wrapped around her waist in one simple band, and fell to the ground as soft as syrup. Her bright red waves were tied up in a bun, revealing the huge content smile that played about her gold painted lips. 

After a long silence, she finally spoke, voice loud, clear and conquering. "Well, well, well." she drawled out, casting a stony glance at the rest of the Order behind me. "Look what the cat dragged in!" she laughed, sitting down on my father's table, and crossing her arms over her chest. The silence stayed, and she pouted. "All of you! You're all no fun!" she rolled her eyes, and I heard Ben snort in the corner. Ben was the type of person that never changed, no matter what happened. His cat could die, not that he was responsible enough to own a cat, but even if he did have one and it died, he probably wouldn't notice because he'd be trying to figure out some new cheesy pickup lines or offensive jokes. He'd probably be out there laughing in a life-or-death situation, much like he was doing now. 

"Oh!" Jess gasped, more sarcasm and anger than anything. "Looks like the Order is growing some guts here. Who'd like to explain why that's so funny to me, right here" she smiled, patting the space beside her, and sliding out the knife from her thigh band. "Woah. Legs" Ben laughed, the smirk evident in his voice. "I'd like to come sit by you anytime, babe" he said, parting through the train of Order, all being held at gunpoint. From the corner of my eye, I watched Ben, and saw him drop something in one of their hands, and the person pass him back a small silver blade. 

Everyone seemed oblivious to them, staring forward with as much worry for Ben as the next guy. I turned around, and still, nobody seemed shocked, or even remotely afraid of what could happen. Nobody saw the blade exchange, but they could at least see the person in front of them had no hesitations when it came to killing them. Slowly, Jody appeared at my side. He didn't face me, just looked forward, watching the scene with a new found interest and focus. 

Then, he spoke. 

"You know what I did, don't you?" 


"Shut up, look ahead.." he paused, "But I know you were awake" 


"I heard you cry" 

Then there was just a plain silence as we watched Ben take the seat next to Jess. Jess rolled her eyes and picked up her knife. "Bring your neck" she said calmly, and Ben rose a brow. "Why?" 
"Uh, to kill you?" she said like it was something so super obvious. Ben nodded his head and looked off into the crowd of Order, behind and beside me. Once he spotted the person he was looking for, he grinned his heart-breaking grin. "Paris! I love you!" he screamed across the hall, and all eyes were on Paris in her constant pinch-faced expression. "What? Me? But-" she sputtered, blinking rapidly. Everyone our age would die to be with Ben. "No but's, Paris. I love you. Do you love me back?" 
"What the hell is this?" Jess snapped, and everyone completely ignored her. 
While everyone waited for Paris to say it back, Jody pulled a string on my hand ties, and picked me up, crawling with me behind the crowd. 

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