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AN: This is in the point of view of an Order member in the bunker. And yes, they've been hiding for this long, and The Valerie haven't found it yet.

I know how weird this is, but I'm dedicating this chapter to Written In Action. Joining them was only to see what it's like to be a sci-fi author, and I never expected to make it this far. They'd given my book a lot of recognition that I probably wouldn't be able to get on my own, and I've met so many fantasy/sci-fi/action/mystery authors, that share my passion. I've been able to help people get their books read and people have helped me. So thank you, WIA. And thank you to everybody who found this book through them, or even on their own. The book is nearly at an end, and I owe so much to you guys.

I know I'm going on and on here, (sorry) But I just want you guys to know how much I appreciate it.


"Quiet! I can hear them coming"

"Damn, the walls here are pretty thin"

"I said shut up! Do you want to die, Ben?"

I rolled my eyes, and turned my ear back to the wall. The footsteps were coming closer, and my heart thud against my ribs till I thought they were cracking.

"You know, that Emily chick get's on Jess' nerves. She's gonna get us all killed"
"Just chill. 'Long as we do our job, they'll be the only ones dying"
"I just don't get it. What's she got against the Captain?"
"You didn't hear it from me, alright? But I hear she's one of them, father issues"

The other guard laughed, and I heard metal click against each other.

"Funny. But we gotta find them other Order, or she'll kill us too.

I gulped, taking a step away from the walls. I turned around and watched faces of all the others. I pressed my finger to my lips, and most of them nodded, then I turned back and sat at the door, waiting for them to leave.

"I'm going to check the top floor, maybe they live in an attic kinda thin'. You check this floor, see if they're maybe jus' hiding"


I turned to make sure everybody was sitting still.

"He's there" I mouthed to them, and Lonnie mouthed back
"How many?"
"Just one"

I turned back, and heard the guard sigh. I dropped to the floor, and opened the small peak-hole, disguised as a bolt. He was tall, buff and his hair was dark, matching his dark skin. It was relaxed or straightened, and then gelled down on the side of his head.

Checking the coast, he pulled out a lighter and cigarette and took a long draw.

After taking a second puff, he checked the coast again, and threw it down, stubbing it out with his foot. Then he walked off, and I waited till the footsteps on the metal stairs was gone.

"He gone?"

I turned back to the group. "Yeah. He's gone"

"What are we going to do, B?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. They have Emily, and The Captain from what I hear. And I think she's going to kill them"

"Yep. She"
"Damn" Ben smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "I like a girl with power"
I laughed, "Dude, that's why you can't get a girlfriend. Maybe she's fat bruh" Everybody chuckled.
"But seriously. We can't let her kill them" Lonnie protested, mousy hair waving about frantically.
"They have guns, Lonnie" I snapped back. Because quite frankly, I'm not so willing to go out gallivanting, when those people have guns, armor and all the things we don't.
"B, we can't stay here forever. The food supplies are almost out, and sooner or later, we're going to die, The Captain will die, they'll tear the place up looking for us, or they'll blow the whole damn ship up. I'm getting tired of this place anyway, smells like sweat"

"Smells like sweat? You want to die because it smells like sweat? Damn you, Lonnie. You have no sense!"

The rest cheered and groaned in mixed emotion, but I'm pretty sure most were on my side. "We're all going to die anyway, at least if we get out and save a couple people, it won't be in vain. Imagine they hear us, or they find us right now. Right, right now. Then what? What will we do? And we both know there's not much longer before that happens"he said back, and the crowd mumbled lowly.

"Oh come on! Tell me you aren't taking his side!"
Ben snorted, chuckling on his own. "Sorry, B. But I'm with Lonnie on this one. This here is the apocalypse, and if I'm going out, mise well be for something useful, right?"

I rolled my eyes, and slumped back down against the door, listening quickly for footsteps. Everybody mumbled some more, and I knew most of them would side with the majority, Ben and Lonnie.

Suddenly Paris stood up, her brown curls bouncing with her. I groaned, because whenever Paris stood up, things became uproar. She spoke rubbish, but just because she sounded smart, people believed her. She gave me a cold glare, and then opened her horrible little mouth.

"Why are only boy's leading?! It's time, people. Time for a female leader!"

"Oh shut up, princess, this isn't the presidential elections!"
That earned me a nice long glare and a bunch of laughs.
"I SAY! WE GET THE GUNS AND WAIT TILL THEIR NEXT SHIFT TONIGHT! THEN WE'LL STRIKE!" she screamed, and I covered my ears, signaling for Ben to shut her up.

Ben jumped up, his tall and extremely buff body moving through people like the red sea, and he clamped one hand over her mouth, and pulled her to the ground.
"These are the kind of people we should actually be 'striking' on. She's going to get us caught with a mouth like this" he snapped.

I sighed. "Let's take a vote"

"Yeah, whatever bro, my vote's with Lonnie" Ben shrugged.

"All those for Paris?"
A whole bunch of hands rose up. Lazy bastards, always willing for someone else to go out killing Valerie, while they stay safe within the bunker.
"Those for Ben and Lonnie?" over fifty hands rose up, and I took in a sharp breath.
"And those for me?" I missed Lonnie's votes by almost two, and I felt so mad. How can they? So what if they die now rather than later, the chances they escape are zero to well.... NONE.

"Bull! How can you?"

"Well, looks like it's Paris' plan"


"Yeah, we tied, but Paris is still the winner" Lonnie said.

Ben let go of her, and she stood up again smugly.

"Well then, we strike tonight!"

It's about time the rest of the Order came out. 😉😉
Don't forget to vote for B and the rest to survive this.

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