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Helloooooo. I'm finally back, but I don't know for how long. My wattpad has been acting up. I can't write, save or send messages, and I can't even publish. It's a wonder I can do this now. 

I'm so sorry for all of this mess. I've been trying hard to fix the issue, but I still can't send messages. I hope you forgive me for not publishing at all these past days. I love you guys and thanks to those who are still reading. Thanks for the patience. Love ya all. 



Oh my word.
The way I hated this colour. But here I stood, facing an army of red. Smiling, laughing, having a damn good time hurting my family.

I screamed, and all eyes turned to us. I'd never been so angry, so betrayed, so frustrated at The Order or even The Valerie. We lost. We literally couldn't fight them off. My home was wrecked, my body was wrecked, my nose was even wrecked, and to add a beautiful golden cherry to the cake, they had to hurt my family too. I was so fuming mad, and at the same time, so fed up.

Jessica, the vile thing had the widest smile ever, as blood pooled from every inch of Lucas, Tyler, and my own fathers body. "I can't believe you!"

They all ignored me. Instead, some guard in huge armour came over, and handed Jessica a pair of heels. She slipped them on and and smiled, crossing her legs in my dads beautiful blue chair. "Get the girl" she snapped, and like magic, two guys came over and clamped my wrists together with their painfully muscular grip. "Why?" I screamed."Why?"

But she only smiled, gagging my mouth with a horrible red cloth. In the swirly chair, she slid over to Tyler, his eyes closed as blood stained his cheeks. No! No! What did he ever do? He'd stood by her, stayed on her side, only for her to go ahead and cut him like a price of meat. "Tyler, you did a very bad thing, siding with her." She said gently. Tyler groaned. "You stay on my side, okay?" She whispered, and I shut my eyes, refusing for the tears to let themselves out.

How could she?
Where was everyone else from the ship?
How many people did they kill?

Bubbles rose in my tummy, and I was so close to throwing up. So, so close.

I heard that first scream replay in my head, and it felt like every scream I'd heard today was yelling at me, getting louder and louder. My palms felt sweaty, and my heart was beating so fast I could die.


She fell limp in the guard's grip, and at this point, they didn't know what to do. 



What did that even mean? The guard didn't know. Here he was, holding captive three men, who were the only difference between him and The Valerie's, ship domination. For some reason, Jessica didn't want them dead. But that wasn't surprising, she liked to play games with people. The girl swung and jerked violently in his grip, and he panicked, not daring to move a muscle. Her glossy brown eyes rolled back in her head, to blury grey-brown globes, and it was scary, really scary. 


Jessica stood her distance, watching the scene like she always did. 

"Get her a mask!" the grey eyed one screamed, the only conscious one of the bunch.  

A mask? An oxygen mask. Those were too far away. When they were so high up in the ship, the only working masks were on The Valerie ships, decked on the very last level of the ship. The man shouting oxygen cried, Jessica bit her lip, stuck between a nervous laughter or breaking down herself. Tyler sat useless, drained of blood and life entirely. He slept in his chair, while the captain of The Order was drugged, bound to his chair by ropes. 

The girl began to foam at the mouth, having the weirdest, scariest seizure the guard had ever seen. 

"Check her pocket!" The grey eyed screamed, his bloody nose spurting blood on anyone within a meter radius. 

Her pocket. 

The guard let her go, and started checking her pockets. He felt something round, and pulled out a small red pill tube. "These?" 

The man nodded, and the guard popped the pills, crushing one in his bony palm. wiping away the foam with one hand, he poured in the powder and forced her mouth shut till he was sure her breathing slowed. She stopped moving and fighting, and slowly her breathing became better. 

"Is she alive?" the guard asked, finally taking off his mask. 


Jessica laughed, flipping her vibrant red hair. 

"Not for long, she isn't!" Jess said, wiping away the sweat on her forehead

I guess things were back to normal. With that, the guard behind them came over to punch the living daylights out of the grey eyed man. Jess smiled, cupping the man on his swollen cheek."My poor, poor baby. Don't worry, we'll see how much your precious Em loves you very soon" she pouted, raking a hand through his dark blonde hair. 

"Go get the girl some help, Jody" she snapped. 

For a while, Jody just stood there, watching Jessica carefully. Something wasn't right here. 

Something just felt odd. The way she acted towards these people was different. Jody wasn't going tell anyone, but there was something Jess wasn't telling them. She wasn't just here for their ship. This was personal. 

And everybody know what happens when Jess get personal..

"Yes.... Jessica"  he murmured, picking up the girl on the floor. Her body was heavy and limp in his arms, but he carried her anyway, before dropping her on a small bed in a quiet little room. 

She groaned and rolled over, curling up into a ball. 

While she was awake, she looked so old. Maybe twenty or something, but when she slept, she looked really young. She looked no older than sixteen. The guard, Jody, shook his head, pulling the medical tray next to him and the bed. He ruffled the caramel colored hair on his head and picked up a blanket, covering her in it. God, what else would a dying girl need? 

He slowly lifted the blanket back up and checked her for any cuts. 

Her elbow was bruised, but he couldn't tell if it was broken till she woke up. There wasn't much to fix with her, except a definitely broken nose. Pouring some warm water into a bowl, Jody wiped away the blood on her face, and switched off the light. 

Maybe he should get her a mask? 

With a shrug, he closed the door and left the room. Why the hell should he care? She was just a girl. Just a really pretty girl with some pretty big problems...


YUP. I gotta ask though, are my chapters getting too violent? I think I'm scaring a few readers away....





(whatever booty you have, shake it for mama!) Or Mike. Mike likes booty too. 
I'm so funny. I need friends.....

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