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I . bet . your . jaws . dropped. Didn't they? Yas yas, that's my purpose here on earth. Dropping jaws since birth. Okay, not really, but a girl can dream, and eat, and get infinitely fat.... sorry, my apologies. 

I felt...confused? dirty? betrayed? I don't know. 

I knew that I didn't want to cry. I actually felt like hitting someone. I took in a deep breath and hid behind the mini wall that separated my bed from the toilet. I heard a hit. "Get out" Tyler's voice. "What? She'd find out soon enough anyway" long man spoke, his rattled voice annoyed me too much right now. "Get. out" I smiled. Tyler was defending me. But I couldn't feel happy. I was starting to become soft. He was the enemy, no matter what he did for me, I hated him. I always would. I heard the same heavy steps storm out the room, slamming the door behind him. 

Slowly, I crawled out from hiding. Tyler stood there looking more stressed than ever. "Thanks" I smiled politely, snapping him out of his anger. He glared at me, "Leave it Emily! Just leave it!" he screamed slamming the door even louder than long man had. I sat there, frozen. What did I do? I rolled my eyes and climbed onto the bed, throwing the red duvet off. It floated like a kite before landing on the floor. I lay there silently. Right now, I'd do anything to get back home. Aboard The Order, nothing was this confusing. There were no perverted refugees, and no confusing cute guys. There were no enemies, everyone was too busy hating The Valerie to hate each other. Being here made me see how happy I was there. 

I felt the tight squeeze in my chest and sting of pain that spread around my heart in shocks. It was worse than before. I sat up and took deep breaths, trying to get as much oxygen to my heart and brain as I could. I needed my medication. I needed it bad, but here, there was none. The pain grew once more, making me fall down onto my side. I coughed, trying to get the pain to stop. Foamy white stuff clouded my mouth making it harder to breathe. 

Live, Emily, you can do this. 

I spat out the foam, Taking the opportunity to get a larger intake of air. The pain started to die down, and the foam stopped coming. I lay there on my side, taking small quick breathes. You made it. I assured myself. You made it. this time. the voice spoke, but I ignored it, too caught up in my victory to care. I made it without the drugs. I rolled over to the other side of the bed, so I wouldn't be sleeping the dampness of the foam. I made it without the drugs........


"Get up" I looked out the bars to a woman I'd never seen before. 

I'd seen so many men on this ship that I forgot women exist too. I was taken aback by her attitude. And her clothing. Her outfit consisted of two little black straps covering her breast and her privates. Who did she think she was. "Get up" she repeated in the same tone, adjusting her gun to it faced me. I held my arms up. "Woah, I'm sorry okay?" I stumbled on my feet, taking her side. She clamped her hand firmly on mine and squeezed. I began loosing feeling in my fingertips, but I wasn't going to tell her. She seemed about ready to kill anyone who got in her way. 

She pulled me round millions of identical corners until we got to a large silver door. She typed something in a small device, and led me through the open door. Inside stood a bed, with circular counters surrounding it. "Lie" she said, not giving me a glance. "Lie?" I asked. I didn't understand a word she was saying. "On the bed" she snapped, and I scurried over, heaving myself onto the uncomfortable platform. Doctors in white came out of entrances and took places by the counters. Their white clothes matched the pristine white of the walls. "Woah!" I sat up, looking for the woman among the rounds of doctors. 

She was nowhere to be seen, all that was left of her was the shadow of black sheer and bandage passing by the door. She was leaving me here. "What's going on?" I asked the surgeon who approached me with a huge round machine on a stand. "Nothing, you'll be fine, Order. You'll wake up" And that's all he needed to tell me for me to willingly go through this. I'd be fine, as long as I got that small affirmation that I'd wake up eventually. 

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