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Who here has listened to Jenna Marbles Boyfriends song? Her voice is actually really good! If she ever made an album, I'd so buy it!!

This here, be the second update of the day. Yasssssss. 
Thanks for bearing with me. I'm not the easiest person to handle. wink, xxxx

A guard came and took me out today, for the first time in a long time. When I asked where we were going, he kept ignoring me, and I eventually stopped when he showed me his gun. Quickly he shoved me into a small cramped room, with dressed hanging from everywhere. "Change" he snapped, "Orders of Jessica" I nodded my head but looked back to him when he wasn't getting out. "Can I get some privacy please?" I begged, but he rolled his eyes and stood there. I had no choice. 

Quietly I pulled off my top and jeans while he stared hungrily at my body. I covered myself with a dress, trying to figure out which one to choose. They were all black. Why? 

I went through all the long glamorous ones. They didn't really look like Jessica's style. Most of them were down to the floor and didn't reveal much skin other than your arms. Finally I found one which covered most of my boobs. The straps from my bust reached up to my neck choker with the same subtle, pitch black sequins. I probably looked ghostly in this dress. My skin was pale and my ribs showed nowadays, clearly visible through the tightness of the dress. The guard took it all in, drinking in my boobs. Quickly he shoved me a cape, folded up with a note on top. 

I saw you looking at this when I wore it, just thought you could have it! follow the guard
Love Jessica

The handwriting was neat and folded perfectly in dainty cursive loops. Was there nothing Jessica was bad at? 

I followed the guard as he grabbed my butt a few times, but he had a gun. He shoved me hard into an open door, walking out and closing it. The room was dark and I could faintly tell the image of a bed and a few light coloured wood furniture. "Hello?" 

"Yes, you're here! Hi babe!" the familiar girly voice came. In walked Jessica, her red hair tied up beautifully and a similar black dress draped around her body with a long endless trail. Her boobs were probably the first thing I noticed. Out there and in the open, barely hidden by the same faux fur coat as mine. Shiny and long. 

She sat down at a little wood table, snapped her fingers and the lights turned on. I joined her and watched her eyes go from happy to serious. "Do I look familiar to you?" she asked, arms crossed on the table. I looked at her closely. In a lot of ways, she looked like my mother, they had the same defined cheekbones and green eyes, but I wasn't going to admit that. "Do I look like mom?" she asked and I frowned. Did this chick read minds. "You know, memories about her are not very clear anymore, but I miss her" What would she know about my mom? "My mom is dead!" I snapped and she stared at me, shocked. "What? When? Emily No!!" Her voice cracked and she turned to jelly in her seat. She had no right to be angry, or sad, or whatever the hell she was feeling. Those were my parents. Both of them, because the truth is, Dad died the day mom did, he just forgot to take his body with him. 

"What does it matter to you?" I asked her, tapping my foot impatiently on her fluffy carpets. "You don'y know them, you're a Valerie" She stood up, her body slumping as she walked. Her heels didn't even click with that purpose. She grabbed something off her bedside table and handed it to me. I stared in awe at the picture. There was a little strawberry blonde, standing hand in hand with my mother. My mother. "Where did you get this!" I snapped. That kid in the picture was not me, and as far as I knew, I was an only kid. "Is-" I shut my mouth. That wasn't possible. That was My mother! Mine! She nodded. "Join me, Emily, as my sister!" she begged, her green sparkly eyes turning dull with tears. "Jessica, what is this? What's going on? Where's Lucas?" she shook her head. "I need your help. Father loves success more than us Emily! I want to be his downfall" I shook my head,trying to leave before she grabbed my hand, grip tightening the more I forced away. "I'm doing this wish or without you" she hissed, her eyes turning to slits as she stared into mine. 

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