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I'm broke. I need money, fast. But I also don't want to go to jail. I'ts really the struggle. xxx

Dedicated to my all so amazing best friend lili, who, despite everything going wrong last year, stuck by my side. Luh ya thug!

I opened my eyes only to close them again. Why was it so bright in here. Then I remembered that this wasn't my home, or my ship. I opened my eyes fully this time, and sat up from the floor. There was a bed here the whole time, and it looked okay, but I couldn't sleep in something like that. Not if it had red bed sheets, so I resulted to sleeping on the floor. 

"Good, you're awake" 

I looked up at the bars that locked me in, and the man that leaned against them, watching me. I shivered a little at the thought of him watching me in my sleep. I looked at him expectantly. "You snore" he said casually. I leaned against the wall, even though it was cold. "Here" he spoke, shoving me a plate. It didn't look human. I couldn't eat it. "What is it?" I asked, staring at the bowl of ruby red liquid. "It's soup" he replied like I was stupid. "Tomato soup, now eat it, we haven't got much time" 

He walked out the room, and I was still unsure about the food. They could be trying to kill me. Why wouldn't they? We were enemies. I wasn't even a normal Order. I was the captain's daughter. The sooner they got rid of me, the sooner they had the upper hand on my ship. I pushed the bowl away and shuffled up the wall. I wasn't going to eat anything they gave me. They just wanted me dead.

I felt my arms out around the wall. Some patches were warmer than others, and one spot was the warmest ever. This must be where the geyser pipes ran. I pulled the white pillow off the bed and lay against it by the wall. 

we haven't got much time. What did that mean. I was stuck in a cell aboard The Valerie. I had all the time in the world. 

Soon he came back and opened up my cell, dragging me by my arm. I yelled when he touched my elbow. This was the arm he dropped me on when they stole me, and it still hurt. 

"Sorry" he mumbled, letting go. I looked at him, confused. I didn't expect an apology, at least not from The Valerie's. "The Valerie's don't apologize" I stated simply, free walking. I was shocked that he wasn't restraining me or holding my arm. If I wanted to run, I could have, but there was no point. I was on their ship, they were everywhere, and they could just kill me if I tried. "What makes you think that?" he challenged, adjusting his gun on this shoulder. I shrugged. "I've been told" 

He laughed at my words before becoming a little more serious. "You shouldn't always believe what you're told" I nodded my head. 

The halls of the ship were all white, decorated in small red lights and buttons. It was strange. The Order was always in blue. I never got to see red, and now, I was only seeing it with my enemies. We turned a corner until we came up to a round red door. It opened, and the man led me inside. "What's your name?" I asked. He shrugged a little, moving the strap of his gun. "T2600" I nodded. "I'm only Joking" he laughed. "I'm Tyler, you?" he asked, picking up the pace and pulling my healed arm. "Emily. Where are we going?" I asked again and he turned another corner to bright red walls. "The nurse, there's no use of keeping injured prisoners on the ship" he said casually. My heart dropped a little. I really was a prisoner here. For all I know, they could beat me and torture me and nobody would care. 

We stopped at another circular door. It was silver with paint peeling off slightly. "N1" he spoke into nowhere, and the door opened. "N1?" I asked, brushing hair from my face. "Nurse Office one" he replied, taking my arm and leading me into a small nurse's office. There was a little bed and stool, and the desk was a light wood with a chair that didn't match. A few pictures were on the desk, but obviously I didn't know them. 

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