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WAAAATTTTTTT. Twenty chapters already???? Can you believe it??????
I'm so excited for this. The book is reaching the really good parts. 


"I came to check your wounds" 

I looked up at the mans face and scowled. I don't care. I don't care if my 'wounds' got infected and ate me all up. I wiggled my hands, trying to jerk the out of the handcuffs. I can't believe they handcuffed me. "They told me you were a fighter so, I had to" the guard said, sitting down on a stool next to the bed. He opened up a drawer, and pulled out some bandage. 

"Are you hurt anywhere? Anything broken?" he asked, pulling out so many different medications. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, my nose. But I wasn't going to speak. Not today. 

He looked to me and sighed. "Fine, force it is" he said, pulling my face towards him by my jaw. He turned my head from side to side, watching me intently. "Right" he said, patting me on the forehead. "By the way, I'm Jody, and I think I was right about the broken nose. You bled a lot" he said, grabbing an injection from the drawer. I shook my head in protest and he smiled a toothy grin. "Come on, you need it. I'll be breaking your nose back into place" he said, moving the syringe closer to my nose. 

"Just to numb it" he said, pushing my head towards the needle. "No!" I screamed, and he rolled his eyes, pricking it into my skin. It felt weird, like my nose wasn't attached to my face, but I still didn't like it. 

Flicking my nose, he seemed content. "Perfect" he smiled, "Now for the best part" 

Suddenly, his palm was on my nose, and with one swift movement, he had twisted my nose in some funny direction. 

Of- course I didn't feel it, but I heard it, and that was enough to freak me out. 

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed, pulling my hands as hard as I could out of the handcuffs. It didn't work, and it made me so much more frustrated. Little tears gave me a prickly feeling in my eyes, but I wasn't going to cry, not here, and not in front of one of them. I want to go home. But then, this wasn't home. The home I knew never had fighting and wars. I never had broken noses and cuts all over me. My home was The Old Order, where I could be a normal teenager, and play truth or dare in dark corridors. My home was the place where my mom was still alive, and she'd make Dad a better person. There was no Valerie. No Jessica. It was just me and my secret crush on Lucas. 

"Are you okay? Does your nose actually hurt?" 

I opened my eyes to face Jody, and then shut them again. 

"I'm fine."
"You sure?"
"I can't help you? Get you anything?"
"Stop being nice to me. Buggar off" 

I opened one eye, and caught Jody's goofy face. 
Then there was a silence, as I death glared him, and he just stared at me blankly. 
"Does it bother you? I mean, are you scared sometimes?" he asked, and I gave him a questioning look. "Bothered by what?" I asked, and he sighed, moving his chair so it would lean against the wall. "I've sen the way she looks at him, and the way he looks at you. It's a pretty nasty love triangle" 

I shrugged. "I guess so" 
He nodded his head, closing his eyes and leaning back. 
I watched him for a while, and he still didn't speak, so I turned back and watched the room. It was horrible and dirty with the paint peeling off. It was so mall and cramped that just by breathing, the air got warmer. 

I remembered how it used to be a bathroom that nobody used, so we turned it into a small bedroom. I remember how I painted it with mom. She was painting it beige, and I really didn't want her to. I wanted it to be green or yellow. Her eyes and her hair colour. But she refused and told me that she loved beige. It was her favorite colour. After that, I never questioned her. Actually, beige became my favorite colour too. Until she died. Then I hated beige. I still do. 

"Do you love him?" 
I woke up from my daydream and looked back at Jody, his hands behind his head and his eyes still closed. I shrugged again, closing my own eyes. "I think so" I said, keeping in everything else I wanted to say. I knew he loved me. He'd almost died for me. But I'd done nothing for him. My love was no good. My love was beneath him, and he deserved so much better than what I had to offer. And yes, he'd hurt me, so many times I couldn't count. But he'd made up for it on The Valerie. Me? I'd done nothing but cause him more trouble and more pain. 


The room was as large and elegant as an old castle. The theme was royal blue, with large draping curtains and no windows. The room was mix of gold and gold engraved patterns, with one singular table in the far back of the room. The table was a glossy honey-colored wood, with gold engraved symbols on the corners. It looked so vintage, and so perfect, like a finger had never set touch on it. But here Jess was, sitting on it. 

She faced the three men in front of her, a sly smile plastered onto her perfect face. Her long red dress draped over the table and spilled onto the floor as if it was liquid. It was as red as blood, short as ever and cut in a heart shape by her breast. Yet this was the most decent she'd ever looked. The dress was covered in a long sheer draping that pooled onto the floor for so long you'd think it never ended. 

Her lips were painted the same colour, and her red hair flowed in waves.

"We meet again!" she laughed, throwing her hands up in exaggeration. Tyler groaned, tilting his head back to stop the blood spilling out of his nose. 

"Jessica, you don't have to do this" The Captain spoke, facing his daughter with the same grim expression he always had. Jess laughed, her hair bouncing up and down with her shoulders. "I know" she pouted, picking up the knife next to her. "But, why not?" she smiled, toying with the knife in her hands. 

The Captain gulped, and Jess noticed it. "Don't be afraid, father. I won't slice and dice today. This is my nice dress" she grinned, playing with the dress in her hands. The material flowed so smoothly you'd think it was something out of a movie. "You know, your daughter never knew about me?" Jess said, crossing her long tanned legs. The way she said it had a hidden threat, but everyone knows what happens when you don't listen to Jess. "She didn't need to. One mistake was enough" The Captain said back, and Jess took in a sharp breath. Mistake. He was walking on thin ice here. Jessica was not one to be tested when she was angry. 

"Your mother wouldn't want this, Jessica" 
Jess' blood almost boiled beneath her skin. Her mother was a sensitive topic for everybody, and he went right out and talked about her. "She wouldn't want you to do this, any of this" The Captain continued, and with each word, the anger built up inside Jess. "We are your family, and he is the man you love, yet you go out and hurt us. You are a disgrace to me and your mother!" He yelled, and Jessica had had enough. 

"How DARE you! You of all people should know that loving means hurting. You hurt her, by throwing me away, and then!" she screamed, slowly starting to laugh with anger. "Then you threw your other daughter away too, and let her get killed by the people that took me away!" 

Jess picked up the knife and admired it, before poking a small hole in her finger. The knife barely made contact, but a small dot of blood formed on her finger. She smiled, turning her finger to her father. "I could stab you right now" she talked low and dangerously, "..but I think it'll hurt more coming from the daughter you actually love" she hissed, flipping her red locks over her shoulder once more. 

The room seemed a lot colder now. 
There was a stiff silence, and Jess threats seemed to be taken a lot more seriously. 

"You deserve everything that's coming to you, father" she spoke in a low whisper. "Everything 

And with that, she stormed out the door, till all you could hear was the faint click of her heels.
This time, it wasn't a joke. It was personal. 


She is bae!


What are everybody's theory's on the ending of this book???? 

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