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Who votes for a third update a week, (probably on a Wednesday?) Yassss! Also, The goal for the end of this book is 2'000 reads, Please help out and tell people about this book. Yasssssss!!!

Who noticed the new cover? I made it myself, and so I feel really proud about it. Also, if you want me to design you a cover, just pm me, tell me what your story is about, follow me, and we have a deal. Kisses, eat your veg, and stay safe. mwahahahahaha. and stuff.......

Dedicated to the amazing @dextrano for voting ALL THE TIME. So dope, I love you!

I stared at him in silence, my hand still clutched across my mouth.

"Luke?" I finally managed. 

He grinned at me, toothy gums showing in a smile that was just priceless. My first best friend was sitting in front of me. I wanted to die. I thought he was dead, I really did. When he disappeared off the ship, I thought he was killed by The Valerie, and father didn't help by his little mumbling about the war. He knew exactly where Luke was all this time. He lied to me. I felt little bubbles of anger inside my tummy, but I let it go. 

I squealed, jumping off the bed and into his arms. He chuckled, his laugh vibrating against me. "You didn't recognize me?" Lucas asked, stroking a hand through my hair. I thought he looked familiar, but I hated him from the first day. I shrugged. "I wasn't looking, I thought you were dead, and on The Valerie, I thought you were just the ship pervert" He stared at me, pulling a mock offended face before shrugging. "Hm, well, I do have a way with the ladies might I add" I pulled a sour face. I didn't need to know which 'ladies' he'd been wooing while I was away. "You look old" I stated, looking at the stubble on his face, and the worn skin. He sighed, clutching me tighter. "The Order don't play games when they fight" he said, "The stress gets a hold of you" I nodded my head. "But at least I have my personal pervert back" He rolled his eyes, "I was in no way a pervert" I let out a fake laugh. "Please, remember that time you snuck into my bathroom while I was changing? Dad gave you a good speech about that" 

I realized that for the first time in years I'd called my father, Dad. I never called him Dad, because he was never a Dad to me, at least not after mom died. For a long time after that, he was simply father. Luke gave me a look, he noticed my change in attitude. "I think you should forgive him" he spoke softly, hiding his face from me. I pulled a sour face. He didn't deserve my forgiveness. Not after he left me here. "He doesn't deserve it, nor does he want it" Luke coughed beside me, still keeping his face away from me. "I think he wants your forgiveness princess, he wants his daughter back" I rolled my eyes. I think I needed a bit more convincing than that. "He left you here to find me" Luke suddenly blurted. I looked to him. "What?" 

He covered his face with his hands. "And I asked him to" 

I jumped up from his side. "You, what?!" I screeched and he dug his face as deep into his hands as possible. "I'm sorry" he mumbled, but sorry wasn't good enough. I could've died, so many times, I was in pain, I was in discomfort, and I spent all my days in a freezing damp cell with red, RED, blankets, eating funny red foods everyday. Wait, no, not even everyday! They were starving me like a real prisoner. "All because of you" I spat and he flinched at my words. "I've suffered"

My words shook with anger. I was never angry. And now, I was so angry I could- I could just laugh! He stared at me, terrified. The Valerie might have caused me pain, but they also caused me madness. Super madness to the point of killing my friend. I fell to the floor, screaming in anger as my heart rate paced, pain circulated through me, but I laughed, almost enjoying the torture of my heart working against me. Foam fizzed and I screamed the strongest scream I could manage.  

Suddenly Luke disappeared from my sight, and quickly came a sting to my shoulder. He jabbed me!I looked to his face and smiled a sly smile, "Clever" I laughed, patting his shoulder gently as my body felt weaker and more tired, "Very clever...."


I was strapped to a bed, and this time, I didn't bother fighting it. I remembered everything that happened, and I was too sick of it all to even care. Lucas came into view, my red pills in his hand as he unstrapped the metal clamps from my hands. In his other hand was the injection he used to knock me out. The syringe was filled right back up. I chuckled. "I won't bite" I cooed, sitting up from the bed, he looked doubtful, but put the syringe down anyway. 

He looked grim, cocking his head towards the door. I looked at him, confused and he sighed. "Jessica" I shuddered, and he nodded at me. "She is the one you shouldn't trust" he whispered. "She's a snake, manipulative, and always has an ear to the ground." I pulled a face. She oozed danger, and her perfect manicured appearance just made her look more dodgy. 

Quietly Luke opened the door, and in came a perfect, grin faced Jessica. She smiled at me, looking me over in my hospital clothes. "Nice outfit honey" she hissed, her snake eyes darting back to Lucas. I blushed at the insults, and my face went warm. Right now, I was too tired to give her a piece of my mind. 

"I wanted to talk to you" she spoke confidently, "Alone" her eyes snapped to my face, a little smirk dancing on her lips. I turned away and Luke sighed, guiding her to his office. "I'll be right back" he assured me, but somehow, I didn't believe that was true. 

They disappeared into the back office, and Tyler came to pick me up, moving me to my cell. He tried to kiss me, and I stopped him. I didn't feel right, I wanted to be alone for a while, just so I could process. As far as I was going, I was slowly turning crazy and feeling little urges to hurt people. Things I didn't want to feel. He looked at me confused as I pushed him away and crept into the hot sweaty cell, hiding behind the wall. 


Sneaky peak time!!!!! (I love this behind the scenes stuff)

He stormed off to find Jess. This wasn't going down this way. Emily was so happy to kiss him just moments before, and he had a hunch that Lucas was a part of this. "Jess!" He yelled, standing impatiently by the door. "Just one moment" Jess excused herself from her conversation with Lucas, to come to the impatient Tyler. "What is it now Tyler?" she snapped. She was in the middle of something. "She's not falling for it anymore, she denied my kiss and she won't talk." Tyler craned his neck to watch Lucas behind them. "It's him" he nodded his head that way and Jess turned around, giving Luke a small wave. 

"What?" she snapped, gripping onto Tyler's arm with her long painful nails. He nodded. "Is this just a matter of your ego?" he rolled his eyes, yes it was. But he wasn't going to admit that part. "If she doesn't fall for me, you're stumped Jessica" And that was true. Without Emily, Jess couldn't take over the ship, and she wouldn't have any advantage. She needed to get rid of the obstacles, and quickly. Jess turned around, her dark cape floating behind her as she did. She walked back to Lucas and draped her arms over his neck. Before he could push her off, she jabbed him, stabbing his neck with the knock out serum. His bulky long body collapsed onto her and he let him drop, leaving Tyler to do the work of carrying him. 

"Take him below ship" she ordered and Tyler obeyed, like her little dog to do her dirty work. With Lucas out the way, she just had to convince little Emily that she was trustworthy, her friend. That wouldn't be too hard would it?


Heyyyyyaaaaa! I know, a short chapter today, but, Like Chuck Noris, we always come back, with bigger and better entertainment. (Got most of that from a DSTV advert) 

Who can we trust if we can't even trust Tyler?

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