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This is the first chapter in the JUMBO UPDATE. 
I feel kinda sad that it's ending. I miss Jess and Em already. 

Any Maze Runner fans? 
@TinaYTina12 asked me to read her book, (sorta based on the maze runner) and I really liked it. I don't ever do this for reading requests, but when I told her how much I liked it, I don't think she believed me, so here it is. THIS BOOK IS SO AMAZING! 

I need you guys to give her some support, and just to make it easy for you guys, here's the link

Really, everybody should be confident with what they write. You should be proud with how good it is! xxxxxxx


Something about the whole atmosphere was different. 

Maybe it was her dress

Maybe it was the four bleeding bodies on the middle of the room

Maybe it was the fact that nobody had been beaten up or stabbed till today. 

Or maybe it was the fact that Jessica showed emotion. 

But that's just a maybe. 


Four days. 

Four whole days and I still felt like a horrid person. 

Every bad thing I'd though about Jess, every comment I'd made or insult I'd said. And from all this 'revenge' that she loved so much, I guessed she'd been hurt by the Order. But I didn't know it was this bad. I didn't know that she'd spent every day thinking about it. I would say move on, but when it's this bad, there is no moving on. She's far too damaged of a person. 

I heard her heels before I saw her, and when she walked in, I knew the first thing I was going to say was and apology. 

"Jess I'm-" 

"You choose, or I will" 

The forwardness of the question took me by shock, and her face has no expression at all as she held the silver knife. 

"I said, you choose, or I will" 

I paused, giving the knife a long look. I thought about playing dumb, but somehow I knew that Jessica wasn't really into that sort of thing. One of her brows rose in a perfect arch, before falling back down. 

"Fine then, Lucas?" she called, and my stomach flipped. "Don't!" 
"Please don't hurt him" 
She laughed, rolling her eyes. "Funny what love can do, isn't it Emily. You really think I won't hurt him just because you asked? I'm in control, and because I am, I'm going to cut and slice and dice all three of you up and shoot your sad pathetic selves out of the air lock." she spat. "And just to make this easier for my panda, you don't have to watch. You choose, and it'll all be over. Quick, and maybe if you pick fast, painless" She said, jutting out her hip. "Now choose" 

"How?" I asked, and she continued her speech like I never even spoke. 

"Just remember that this isn't some fairy-tale, Emily. He's not going to die to save you, and you're not going to die to save any of them." She pointed her knife towards all three guys. "You are all going to die, it's just a matter of who goes first" 

I gulped, taking probably my last look at one of them. They all looked so stressed, and so dull. They'd already given up, and they clearly didn't care how much their death hurt or when it would be. But the real problem was me. How was I going to choose one of them. How am I meant to make a decision like that? 

"Tell 'ya what? The first to die goes quickly, no pain, no screams, nobody giving two damns. Maybe I'll sedate him before I end it. Second has a bit of time to play, third even worse, and then the very last, hopefully your father, will get it the worst. Easy right? I'll be karma, and everybody who hurt you just a little bit can get their share of pain."

I raised a brow at her. Because this honestly seemed too fair for Jessica's standards. 
"What's the catch?" 
She grinned, eyes twinkling just a little bit. 

"Well, hun, you can't go first" 


That wasn't too much to ask, Emily could put herself up for second degree pain, and all the rest would suffer worse. 

But Jessica knew how much of a good-two shoes Emily was, and that everyone would be dying at the least amount of pain, while she suffered the most. Jessica watched them closely, playing with the knife in her hands. "Quickly, panda. We have no time to waste. Who's going to die peacefully?" 

The tension was there, set to perfection, and everybody on the ship was watching it as if it was a special TV drama. 

"You know I can't do this, Jessica!" Emily screamed, face red and tears falling out of her eyes. 
"Please just let them go! I'll do anything!" 
Jess laughed. "My little two-sugar-tea. You know the rules. At the end of the day, everybody has to loose except me. Now, I'm being really kind here, and giving you a nice family discount. I'm giving you a choice to make their deaths as little as possible, and you're not taking it. There's no pleasing you is there?" 

By now, even Allan had sat down to watch, his bulky body taking up the width of a door. 

Emily cried, and Jessica rolled her eyes. 

This was enough. "You're being no fun, Emily. You almost make me want to kill you first" She sighed, sitting down in the desk chair. "Allan, Jody, I know you're watching" she spoke, and they appeared from one corner of the room. "Can you please get these things out of the room. I don't know how much more crying I can take before I explode" 

Allan went and un-bolted two chairs, pulling them behind him. 

Jessica smiled, handing Jody her knife. "Jody, babe, finish off that blonde one. It's what Em would want if she wasn't such a drama queen"

Jody gulped, and nodded his head, taking the knife from her and un-bolting the last two chairs, dragging them to another room. His head swirled with thoughts. There was something about Em that made him want to protect her, but he knew what he was doing was wrong. He had to kill Lucas, if not, Jess would just kill them all. 

He followed Allan into a smaller room, it was dark and only lit by a small dim light. He put the two chairs down, The Captain and Tyler. Tyler was completely knocked out, and Jody took in a huge breath. Tyler was his friend, who made a huge mistake. As much as Jess was their Captain, she was also their enemy, and one thing you don't do is fall in love with the enemy. 

"I'm sorry, Tyler" he said softly, tying a bandanna across his eyes, and gagging him. "Love sucks huh?" 

He closed the door behind him, and stood there for a minute, staring at the knife in his hands. His palm closed across the handle, and he cleared his mind. "This has to be done" he said to himself. "This has to be done.." 


I know, and I'm sorry. The drama wasn't there today, because all of it comes in the next chapter. 

But, the book is nearly done, and things are about to get a little bit interesting...........


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