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I think I'be been holding off on updates because I don't want it to end. 


My mind was still foggy, but I had one person on my mind.

No response, but as I woke up a bit more, I could hear voices from outside wherever I was.

"So how was it Bambi? Your first kill"
I heard a sigh, and it sounded like the person had slumped against the door.
"Awful, and I never want to do something like that again."
"Did he cry? Probably tried to suck his thumb. I knew he was a pretty boy the first time he came on our ship!" the voice boomed, and I jumped in my chair.
"No, he didn't cry. I knocked him out first, thought maybe I could make it a little more peaceful"
"Why!?" the voice boomed again, and I almost jumped another time.
"Because, I owe it to her. She lost her mom you know? Killed by one of our own, and now we're going to kill everything else she cared about. If anyone knows pain, she does, and I'd at least want her to feel better about his death once I tell her"
The deep voice hummed. "Which one, the blonde?"
"Well, with those brown ends, you can't really call her blonde" they both laughed, and I knew they were talking about me. "Well listen bro. It seems like you're getting pretty involved with this chick. If I were you, I'd stop it completely. You don't want to be Tyler. Never fall for the enemy"
"Sure." the last voice said, pushing off of the door. I listened as the heavy footsteps walked away and became faint, and once I heard the handle move on the door, I shut my eyes.

The person closed the door behind them and walked up to me. I heard something scratch against the floor and I felt their presence close to me. 

After a long time, he spoke, and I knew immediately who it was. 

"I don't know what it is with you. I mean, I don't love you or anything. In-fact, it's not romantic at all. But something irks inside me when I see you get hurt, or when I think of you in danger, you know? And honestly, I don't even know what I'm doing here, because no matter what I say, you'll never forgive me. I did it to save you though. I did it because I knew that if Jessica let him live, you would have to die, but too many people are counting on you, Emily. All the Order, still hiding, fighting. They need you to be there for them....... Still.. I'm sorry. I murdered Lucas in cold blood, and he, nor you deserved it. I hope one day I can somehow be forgiven. Maybe then I won't be rotting away in hell once Jessica kills me too!" he laughed nervously. The kind of laugh you have when you finally confront your fears, and you'd rather laugh than cry. 

I let out a quiet breath, still pretending to be asleep. He killed Lucas. He killed the man I loved just so I would stay alive. 

".... and you know? I think I did it because I didn't want you to live with the guilt. Trust me, you still have two others to take out, and I'm not going to lie. It's the worst feeling ever, taking the life of someone who didn't deserve it........" there was a long pause before he spoke again. 
"But I killed him painlessly.... he was still warm when I left. Like he was alive, just really, really still." 

I payed all my attention to what he said, and I wanted so bad to know exactly what happened to the love of my life. But he never continued. He simple sighed. "I'll leave you alone. I can come back later" he said softly, patting my knee as he stood up. 

"Bye, Order" 

I wanted to scream at him and tell him to come back, that I was just pretending, and that he needed to tell me everything, and then be the shoulder for me to cry on. 
But I didn't. The words never escaped my lips, and I watched in silence as he left, not bothering to look at me behind him. He closed the door shut, and that's when the tears fell. 


Silence fell as the curfew came, and slowly two solders went on search duty, searching high and low for the rest of the Order. But this time, the Order came to fight, and they were so damn prepared. 

"Take the gun, Paris!" B argued, shoving the gun into her hands. She crossed her arms, letting the weapon fall to the ground in front of her. The sound was so loud that it could be heard across the bunker, and if it fell from a centimeter taller, the soldiers would have known where they were. 
"I don't need a gun, B. Look at me, I'm a lady. I don't do guns" she snorted, and B snorted back, glancing her up and down. "Hardly" he snapped, clicking his tongue. Ben laughed beside him, picking up the gun from the ground. Even though Paris looked nothing like a man, with a small face, and long blonde hair, with a sharp structured nose to match her personality, B just liked to tease her. 

"Well. If they're going to kill you tonight, we might as well put you out of your misery" Ben said, pointing the gun directly at her. She squirmed under her spot, but like always, she stood her ground. She looked back at B to be the voice of reason, but today he didn't feel like it. Whether he hated Paris or not, he still didn't want her dead, so he encouraged Ben. "True. If you don't want to fight, we can send you off quickly. Right here, right now. Ben won't really make it hurt... Actually, I've never been shot, so I can't really say, but people make it seem like there's no pain... But, if we think you're dead, how do we know you're not in pain?" B took in a breath as if he was thinking hard, then stopped, turned back to them and smiled happily. "Anywho, I'll give your gun to Elliot after we're done. Have a safe trip, Paris!" he smiled, and Ben cocked the gun. 

"No! Wait! I'll take the gun alright?"  she said, snatching it from Ben and storming away. 

As The Order lined up, B listened for the footsteps again. As he heard them around the corner, he opened the door, letting two of their best shooters out. He quietly closed the door, and they waited in silence as the two shots were made. Due to the silencers, they sounded merely like someone spitting, and it wouldn't be enough to wake the rest of the Valerie just yet. 

He opened up the door, gun in hand and followed Ben to the Captain's office. His eyes didn't have to adjust to the blue as much as he did when the lights were on, and so he carried on easily, sneaking past the rooms until he found the one to the hall. Behind the large silver doors were more smaller versions, where the soldiers slept, and leading his team behind him, sent them all to their own room to kill. 

Paris and B took their own room, and picked the lock, letting themselves in. 

They stared at the two lumped bodies for a while, before Paris gave B a wide grin. "Game time!" she whispered, cocking her gun and shooting the soldier. Everyone seemed to emerge from the bunks at the same time, adrenaline pumping through their veins. "Sixteen down, another whole row to go. Then, we strike the larger bunks with the authority. But someone still needs to find The Captain" Paris whispered, and everyone numbly nodded their heads. 

"Did you hear me? Someone, needs to find the Captain. Our ship won't rule itself!" she hissed violently. Then one little man stepped forward. Young, fresh faced but way too small to overpower anybody. "No. Not you" Paris said bluntly, turning to look all the bulkiest in the eye. Nobody was cooperating. After a long silence, B sighed. "Just let'im go, Paris. He can do this" 


"Fine who? Sorry mate, but you're gonna have a damned tough time getting through us" a deep rough voice spoke and as if it was slow motion, four men stepped on each of his sides, covered in thick red metal armor. 

"You, my friends, are not going anywhere" 


Yeah, I guess you can boo the screen now, Lumilie shippers. 

But the story isn't over just yet! :)

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