Can't Seem to Forget

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Dearest Rose,

I've had an obsession for the past month. An obsession over a guy I haven't seen in 3 years. I don't know how to deal with it. I want it to go away, but then I don't. Could you help me out just a lil bit?

Dearest Reader,

There are many things you can do.

1.) you could try to contact him. Maybe look up him on social media sites (Facebook seems best for stuff like this)

2.) You could try to get your mind off of him by finding another guy.

3.) you could also try to get your mind off of him by doing stuff with your friends doing something you usually wouldn't do

4.) You can also pray about it. Maybe God put this guy on your mind because you need to be praying for him or God is trying to put you two back into each others lives.

Hope this helps dearest.


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