Your Dream

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I am in high-school and I know there is long time to talk about this but then also I want to be fashion designer or something of my choice. My parents wish that I could be doctor. I am afraid to tell them that I want to be something of my choice. Maybe fashion designing or IT. I know they will allow me to be IT. Please help me try to solve this.

Dear Rosie ,

Honestly, I think you should do what you want. My mom wants me to be an author, and I'm totally cool with that, but it's just not what I want...I want to be in the music industry! I told her and she actually told me to do what I want. She told me that she thinks I could be an amazing writer but if it's not what I want to do for a living then to not. I want to enjoy my job, not dread it! So I think you should pursue your dream! I think EVERYONE should!

Just sit down with your parents and explain to them why you would rather do what you want. Hopefully they'll understand!

Good luck!


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