Trust and Worry

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Dear Abby,

I'm sorry but prepare for a long paragraph!

So my boyfriend (and best friend since the start of 2015) of six weeks is visiting his hometown for a while. I'm gonna miss him like crazy!

But there's one problem.

He's made plans to meet up with his mates from his hometown and have a sleepover/ party. I'm completely fine with that but he invited one girl: his ex-girlfriend. I feel kinda bad because he asked me if that was fine if she came and I said it's completely fine.

But there's still something that bugs me about it.

Here's some basic information I've gathered:

1. She's absolutely gorgeous and way more attractive then me.

2. She's known him longer.

3. Well, she's his ex and he talks about her like she's the stars.

4. She's sleeping in the same bed as him at the party.

5. She's super popular and everybody likes her.

6. I've heard from his mates that she still likes him.

I don't know what this feeling is but ever since I heard aboutg this girl, I've been a bit of a sour lemon to him whenever he mentions the place he's going

Help me!!

Love, Confused Aussie Gurl

Dear Confused Aussie Girl,

Trusting your boyfriend of only six weeks is something you want to do very much, but it is also hard when you can't be with him when he's around his ex. If  you have any doubt about the circumstances at hand, tell him.  You are stressed out and worrying about the situation and it's not healthy. Just tell your boyfriend that you aren't comfortable about him staying the night with this other girl.

Relationships need to have trust and honesty to function.

If he gets mad because he thinks you don't trust him, tell him it's not him that you don't trust, it's her. Tell him that you're worried that she'll try to make a move on him and then back up your words with fact. His friends told you that he thinks this girl still has feelings for your boyfriend,  so tell your boyfriend this. He may reason with you and tell you that he doesn't have feelings for her anymore and that you have nothing to worry about, after that the only thing you can do is trust him. Honestly it's kind of strange to me that they're sleeping in the same bed... and if I were you, I'd probably tell him that I'm not comfortable with that at all, and see if there's someone else he can share with. If after he gets back and you still feel weird about it , you can always ask his friends if something happened while he was there.

 Hope this puts your mind at ease.

-Abby x

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