First Crush

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I have this friend, who's brother is visiting. And he came when I was over my friends house for a sleepover and we hit it off . So my friend (lets call her Jade) Ok so Jade, started to get uncomfortable with us liking each other, but her family was ok with it as long as we don't take things too far. But because I didn't want to loose her as a friend and he didn't want to loose his sister, we quieted down things for a while. But now, I'm thinking that I/we made a mistake, cause I really miss talking to him and spending time with him and I may sorta, kinda get jealous when I see him talking to another girl and stuff

And I get butterflies when I see him?

I guess what I'm asking is if I made the right decision and what should I do?

Dear First Crush,

I think you should stay with 'Jade's' brother and tell her. Explain to her how you feel about him, but also tell her how you don't want it to ruin your friendship.

Maybe have a day where just the who if you hangout, that way it's just you two and he isn't there to make things weird for 'Jade'.

Maybe ask her why it makes her uncomfortable or why she doesn't approve.

No matter what happens DO NOT LET THIS RUIN YOUR FRIENDSHIP!!!

And for her brother, tell him your plan and see how he feels about telling her. Make sure he's okay with it first because it's his situation too. It's okay to be jealous when he talks to other girls, but if he truly has feelings for you, you're the only girl on his mind.

The reason you get butterflies when you see him is because he means a lot to you. It's normal! Don't freak out!

Hope all of this works out for the three of you 💕

-Abigailya ⭐️

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