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There is one boy in our class and i want to discuss few things about him.
1. He stares at me but i am not sure that he stares at me or behind me.
2. He talks behind me but never let anyone tell what he is talking good or bad.
3. He is teased by some other girl but instead of fighting he blushes. He blushes whenever they tease him with any name.
Does he likes me??

Dear Questioning ,

Okay usually when a boy acts like this around someone, it means he probably likes them. I'd say he likes you, but I'm not 100% sure.

If he's staring at you, it maybe because you're beautiful to him.

If he says things but doesn't let others tell you, he maybe telling his friends he likes you.

They could be teasing him because they know he likes you but he doesn't have the courage to act on his feelings.

So if you like this boy back there are a few things you could do:

• Flirt with him to let him know you're into him too

• Straight up tell him your feelings

• Ask his friends why he acts that way

• Ask him why those girls tease him or what hes says behind you

Hope this helps and sorry for the late update


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