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Hey there... My name is Riley and I need advice on me being mentally ill and telling my mum. I'm not implying I'm a psycho nor that I belong in a mental hospital, but I felt like I needed medical attention because I felt like I had some kind of mental illness. For some reason it's difficult to tell my mum about it, and a Parent Teacher Conference is going to be held tomorrow. I have been trying to get the words to come out from my brain and out my tongue, but I had assumed that she might think it's completely absurd and not an excuse for not passing my grades.

I'm honestly an intelligent person, I don't understand why I can't control my emotions and stuff and I just really want to tell her that I need medical attention but there is a large list of reasons why I shouldn't tell her which forever makes me keep my thought a secret.

Now I'm constantly stressed for myself and what my grade results would be and so much more. I hope you can give me advice before the April 1st :/ I really need the help

Dear Riley,

If I were you, I'd pray about this. I don't know if you're religious or believe in God, but honestly prayer can work wonders.

My mom has been suffering from anxiety for years. She and my dad have started praying together and it has really caused her anxiety to almost stop. Now, I don't know what kind of mental illness you possibly have, but anxiety is just a form I'm familiar with.

Talking to your mom is the best way to get help. You need to sit her down and explain what's been going on in your head. Tell her that you've been apprehensive about telling her but you have to get it off of your chest before the thoughts completely consume you. Tell her that you want help from a professional who can tell you if something is wrong. Sitting down with her when you both have free time is the best time to tell her.

(Possibly not mentioning your grades will cause her to stay calm about the situation. )

Hope this helps, if not you can message me -


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