Us Against the World

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Hi Rose. I'm a bit angry because Wattpad isn't letting me comment and I keep having to retype, but it's all good. I have one problem, and I'll explain it really quickly even though I should explain it longer: my friend Grace told the boy I like, Brady, that I love him, and he has a gf, but he said that if him and her break up, he'll date me, and we have all these romantic type texting convos (he lives a few states away from me, so we only contact in texts). Grace told everyone that we were "dating" behind Brady's gf's back, and now it's awkward between me and all Brady's friends she told. It's not awkward between me and Brady because he understands. Brady is four years older than I am, and my mom deleted my last Google account so I wouldn't be able to talk to him at all, so I'm breaking her rules because I created a new account behind her back to text him. I know I love him, but the world seems to be against us being together, so what should I do?

~ Confused Christian Girl

Dear Confused Christian Girl,

I don't think it's a good idea to go behind your mom's back. I know you really like this guy, but think about what would happen if she found out. If you sit down with her and explain why you like him and tell her that he's a good guy, maybe she'll agree to let you talk to him again.

If I were you I'd tell Grace to stop spreading lies. Tell her that it bothers you that she said it, maybe even ask her to tell Brady's friends the truth.

Just think about what's best for yourself.


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