Parents Know Best

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Okay so I used to have Instagram and one day coincidentally, an inappropriate picture popped up and then I got it taken away. Later I got my phone back but couldn't use Instagram and social media period. Then I took some dumb advice to sneak and my parents found out cause my nosey aunt found a picture of me from a while before I got Instagram taken away and I couldn't have anything but tv for a LONG while. Now I've been slowly getting my stuff back, first not having Instagram or a camera then I got that back plus a new phone so I kind of feel like they would be more open to me having those things again. Plus now I really want to use social media for modeling and acting and comedy buy I'm very afraid of what they would say, although I've been way more embarrassed from my past but still .. it's my birthday coming up and I'm older so I feel I've grown and I really truly won't do what I did anymore about sneaking. I just really want it back. What can I do?


Dear Kizz,


Second. If you feel more mature and you want to use social media for your future and a career for adulthood,or what ever you plan on using it for, you really need to talk with your parents about it. Sit them down and give reasons why you're more mature, and why you think it could help your modeling career (and you're other reasons). If you're comfortable you can even tell them that they could monitor your account(s). They could get instagrams and what ever other social media sites too. Or they could check your account once a week or monthly or something.

Remember your parents are only trying to protect you!


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