Confused Crusher

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This book is surefire awesome. Cant stop reading it. My problem is, how to know if he likes me?? He is respective towards me and stares me but plz give me more signs. By confused crusher.

Dear Confused Crusher,

Boys are confusing (it's probably some scientifically proven fact). I understand this 100%.

Here are a few (not all)  signs he's into you:

• He never leaves your side.

When ever you are around each other he is right beside you and talks to you, even if other people are around. If he's talking to other people he'll include you in the conversation.

• He is extremely kind, nice, and caring towards you.

He is polite to you, he won't ditch you for someone else, and he won't make you feel stupid.

• He compliments you.

He tells you you look nice that day, he tells you that you're funny, or smart, etc.

• He teases you.

He jokes around with you in a flirting way, but he makes sure it doesn't go too far to where you get your feelings hurt.

• He sticks up for you.

If someone is being rude to you or you're in an argument he'll be on your side.

• He reassures you when you're feeling down.

If he can tell that you're upset about something he will do or say something to make you feel better. It maybe through a compliment or making you laugh.

If you think he likes you then chances are he does.

But don't just assume because he's nice to you he has a thing for you, he could just be a nice guy!

Usually asking your friends what they think is a good idea! They see the way he looks at you and the way he treats you. They notice things you don't because you maybe in denial that he likes you or you may think you're overreacting, they can tell you their opinion on the situation. 

Hope this helps and makes sense to you! Good luck with the boy☺️.

-All the love, Abby

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