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Oh Thank God I found somewhere.Oh this is embarassing.Once You Give Me Advice Ill delete this comment.If you do,that is anyway.Okay,Here we go.

I am bicurious.I think Im bi,but Ive read its usually a phase,and I havent had a crush on many girls.I know I like boys though.But I know I really like HER.Lets call her Cake.So,Cake and I have been friends for a few years,not the closest,but pretty close.Shes popular.Pretty.Just amazing.And here I am,an emotional wreck,not that pretty,and no boy would have a crush on me,let alone a girl.At first,I just liked her looks,and i acted all stupid as a joke.Then it was her personality.Then,more recently,I found out she likes stuff I like.Like music and anime.One day she texts me to meet her early to tell me something.I say ok,and she sends"Night,Love ya *kissy face Kissy face*.I freaked out.I really REALLY liked her.The next day,she told me she was bi,and I went ahead and told her i was bicurious.We've hung out more.Watched netflix and She doesnt seem to mind me leaning on jer shoulder.She asked if I had a crush and I said no,obviously.And I then learned from her today
Well,Ill just the summary.
"Well I have a crush on a girl"
Omg it could be me
"And I like her and stuff,but I dont know if we should stay friends or i should tell her."
She usually comes to me for advice when it uses brain power but this was puzzling.
I had a hope it was me
"Is she bi?"I ask
"Oh yeah,shes open about it!"
Crap.Wasnt me.I told her I wasnt sure and that she should hold onto the friendship until they develope feelings.

So thats my saga.Sorry for the long comment.My question:What should I do?I really really want her to like me.Im absolutely crazy about her.Id get all Cs on a progress report if I could just be with her (We're in middle school and if you knew me youd know im talking insane).Just what should I do.Im sorry for the long question.Im just...so confused.Thanks for reading.
Sincerely,Ghostly Poet

Dear Ghostly Poet,

You could very well be confused and this could be a phase like you said. You're young, and you don't really understand what's going on with relationships and getting older yet.

But when I have people ask me for relationship advice, much like you just did, I tell them straight (<ha) up.

Tell the person you like that you like them.

Seriously the worst thing that could happen is that they don't like you back.

You won't die. They won't die. No one will die. And to me dying is the worst thing that could happen and for this situation it won't.

So be yourself and confess your feelings. (If you're comfortable with that)

-Rose Xx

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