Socialy Awkward...

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Well... I used to have a boyfriend that I thought I had a spark with, but I found out it was just the spark to shock theory. Now, he's just avoiding me constantly. Another guy asked me out, but I rarely ever see or talk to him since he lives 756 miles away from me and Ido t really feel a spark or even a shock with him. So I guess I'm technically taken, but I don't like or talk to my "boyfriend". I've been trying to get another boyfriend, but I'm too socially awkward to ask anyone out, so I can't really do anything to get out of the situation of loving my ex and hating my current boyfriend. I feel so stupid to think I need a boy to make me happy because I got so used to the feeling of being loved by a boy for real for the first time. It's just a feeling I can't get over. Help me please, Marzia

Dear Marzia,

(I am soooooo happy that you used my 'Spark to Shock Theroy ;') )

So first off break up with you current boyfriend, and remember, 'You DO NOT need a boy to make you happy!'

Second thing!

If you want a boyfriend... go for it! nobodies holding you back!

Third thing...

I am also VERY socially awkward(!!!!!!!!) ask any of my friends!! And I actually have a boyfriend, so if I(one of the ugliest girls at school, I'm weird, I'm awkward, and quite) can get a boyfriend...ANY BODY CAN!

I hope this helps you hunny! If you need anything just PM me!


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