The Goodbye Kiss

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I need your advice so I like this guy and he moved to another area of the country and the day he was leaving he kissed me and he now lives near my cousins house but my mum won't let me and my cousins live quite far what should I doo? _ from lai

Dear Lai,

If I was in you position I think I would ask my mom if I could go visit my cousins during the summer and tell her that you'll start saving money, and things of that nature.

But make sure you ask your cousins first!!

Then you need to text this boy or call him, hopefully you have his number, and like tell him that you're going to be visiting in the summer.

And maybe ask why he kissed you?

And really try to stay in contact with him! Because he moved away he could find another girl, so you need to try to talk to him a lot!

That's really all I can tell you!

Good luck!
- Abby✌️

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