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I know this sounds stupid but this new guy I'm dating-I'm unsure about this because of my past relationships-but I'm in love again and I'm afraid of what might happen. What do I do? He says he loves me, but can I really trust his words?

Dear Afraid,

     You need to think, will he ever hurt me? Will he go behind my back? If there was a bullet headed towards you would he push you out if the way and take it himself?

        If you know that he would never hurt you, or go behind your back, and that he would take the bullet for you, then you are fine and you trust him.

BUT if you were unsure about your answers then maybe you should rethink you decision!

DO NOT (!!!!!) let your past relationships stop you! Hence the name PAST, they are in the past, long gone, adios to them.

Think about why you are dating... let's call him...Franklin...!Does Franklin make you feel happier? Joyful? Safe? Find out if you can trust him , though thinking about what he would do in situations.

Example- You just got new braces and you look horrible, every body is making fun of you.. what does he do?
A.) he tells them to stop and tells you, you are beautiful.

B.) he makes fun of you too.

Choose truthfully ! If you want me to ask you questions like that because you cannot think of any, then inbox me!

Stay True, Rose.

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