Spark to Shock Theory

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Hey! I have a boyfriend and he's not like I thought he'd be.... Some days I feel like he cares and some days I feel like he doesn't. His phone is turned off and we have no classes together so we can practically never see each other other than UIL practice after school which is about to end. At practice it's like he can't keep his hands off of me and he wants me to kiss him and say I love you but I don't feel comfortable doing that. I mean don't get me wrong he has a great personality but idk... I used to see him and my face would light up and I would get tingles, but now... That doesn't happen. I am CONVINCED this boy has mood swings!! He try's to sit with me everyday at lunch but sometimes he hangs out with this one girl who (I think has feelings for) or with his "buddies" who go off in the hallway and act like retards... I don't know if I should brake up with him and lose our relationship, or stay together and wait for that big change that will never happen.. HELP!!!

Dear Conflicted,

I have actually felt this way before, but I've never been in a relationship , so it was only a crush. 

      There are two things about your boyfriend that make me feels in easy. 

1.) He wants to kiss you and tell him you love him but you're not ready

2.) he hangs out with this girl, let's call her Amanda, that you think there might be something there.

Now I can understand him wanting to be all lovey dovey with you, but you don't have to. If you don't want to then you don't have to!

'Amanda' seems questionable, like I'm not against guys having friends that are girls and having Girl Friends, but idk, I would probably watch out for her if I were you...

But also if I were you I would wait for a few days and if he does 1 thing that bothers you, dump him.

If he asks why you dumped him, say because you didn't feel a spark.

See I have this the theory call the Spark to Shock theory, it's where you have a crush on some one and you think it'll last, then the 'spark' goes away and you realize it was just a shock' like an electrical shock, it only lasts for a little bit.

If you have any more questions inbox me, Rose

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