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Hi. First things first! I really love your glasses! Hah. But anyway, I have this bestfriend. We do everything together and are super close! But she likes my boyfriend. She has openly told me and I find her flirting with him A LOT. I'm conflicted because I love Adam but I don't want to upset my friend by telling her to back off. I thought I could trust her but now...I don't know... Sincerely, Very Conflicted Girl! :(

Dear Very Conflicted Girl,

I think you should talk to your friend, and tell her to stop flirting with him. It bothers you! Just tell her, " hey will you please stop flirting with my boyfriend, it really makes me uncomfortable! We are really good friends, and feel like I can tell you anything and It not be awkward between us." I really hope she understands. 


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