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Hey, it's me. I just wanted to ask if I should trust this guy. We both know I've fallen for many guy before and they've all ended up hurting me, so I dunno if I trust him, he's cute, funny, nice, he defends an protects me, he's almost perfect (key word: ALMOST) he's a hippie. He has long hair, he loves The Beatles (I don't blame him) and he doesn't like most of the things I'm passionate about. But besides that, he's amazing. I already kissed him, but here's where that girl that's tried to steal Brandon from me, she asked him out! He's "still thinking" (and I know he'll say no because he's a loner and stays out of love [smart guy]), but if he says yes, I'll be crushed. What should I do???

Dear Fallen Hard,

I think you should just wait for him to come to you, I mean if you've already kissed then he probably has some type of feelings for you!! Kind of.. Like start hanging out with him more often, sit with him at lunch, text him, hangout with after school, that kind of stuff.

I doubt he'll say yes to this girl, she seems really jealous of everything you do, and if I were you I would just ignore her. Some people just do what other people they wish they could be or be like.

Good Luck Doll!!!


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