Nervous and Awkward

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I have a crush on a 9th grade boy, im awkward to speak with him. What should i do?

Dear Nervous and Awkward,

I'm awkward too and most of the time nervous.

If you really like this kid then go for it. 

Before you speak to him think about what you're going to say. Just make conversation with him, it's not like you're asking him to marry you!

Be yourself! Don't try to sound like someone you're not. You don't want to give out false advertisement.

Maybe talk about something you have in common or ask him what he likes as a hobby. 

Don't try to hard. Just talk to him like you're friends and if you're feeling confident then maybe flirt a little.

Good luck doll,


Teenage AdviceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang