Akward Around One's Crush

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Well, I like this boy,Ian, and all my friends say he always talks about me when I am not around. He's came to my house 2 times and I think he likes me back. But I am always feeling akward around him and I always see him with other girls and I get jealous. I am not sure now if he likes me back anymore. I am not sure what to do. Help me! From desperate

Dear Desperate,

Try to hang out with Ian some more. Maybe if you become close friends with him you won't feel as awkward around him.

I know how it is to feel awkward around boys you like, so what I do is pretend I'm just talking to one of my friends.

Joke around, be nice, ask him for a pencil, a piece of paper, BUT UNDER ANY, AND All CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT EMBARRASS YOURSELF!!!!! PLEASE!!! 

Do not spit on them when you talk. Do not show that you are uncomfortable around them and don't let them tease you!!! Then it will alllllllllllllll go down hill from there!

This has allll happened to me before

Best of luck, Rose

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