The friend zone

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Okay, so I have a crush on my BFF Brandon but he doesn't like me like that. I guess my friends just feel sorry for me because they've all been telling me that he does like me by saying things like "He talks about you all the time!" and "Your name is all over his binder!" and things of that nature. When I ask him if its true he denies it! So I asked him out but before he could answer me, a girl who practically loves him said "Brandon! Where's my candy?!" I got so jealous. Plus he's always flirting with other girls to get me jealous and I absolutely HATE that! What should I do? I'm so confused!!!

Dear Confused, 

If I were you I WOULD NOT ask him out, I think it's weird when girls ask guys out( but that's just my opinion), just hang out with him some more.

He may like you but that STUPID girl  probably didn't want you to know that, because then she wouldn't be able to be with him and she was jealous about that.

I understand you don't like this girl,  she already sounds like an annoying snob(once again that's just my opinion). But this girl I know likes the same guy as me and it makes me sooooo jealous!!! So I get that she was jealous about him possibly liking you.

But back to you: I think you should tell Brandon how you feel about him and see if he feels the same way. But make sure that girl isn't with him!!

Good luck, Rose

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