That 'friend'

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Well, I have this friend whom I've known for five years and have liked him for 3... I'm pretty sure he likes me as a friend, but idk if i'm any more of that to him... He comes over to my house alot,, but seems embarrassed to talk to me in public and never answers my texts. Im getting mixed thoughts... I just want to know where our  relationship stands.

Dear Confused,

I know what it's like to get mixed signals from guys, I never know if they want to be just friends or more. So here is my advice to you:

1.)  DO NOT THROW YOURSELF AT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

2.) kinda show that you like him. Like hangout more often and stuff.

3.) if y'all go to the same school, hang out with him there, or ask him to come over more often

By doing these things, he will start to think you might have a crush on him and maybe if he has one on you then good things will happen(:

If you want to find out if he likes you and you don't want to go that stuff^

then you could also just see the way he acts around you, like does he comment your appearance (say you look pretty, etc.)  does he go out of his way to talk to you, things like that.

Hope this helps a lot, if you need any thing else that I didn't cover then just PM me.


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