Not liking him

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Dear Rose, I have a boyfriend that I have been going out with for some time. I honestly don't exactly like him anymore and I feel extremely bad. I dont really know if i should break up with him or not because he REALLY likes me or so his friend says and I would feel like a player. I need some help! Thanks

Dear nonPlayer,

My friend, Clarissa, doesn't like her boy friend any more and I've tried to tell her: Just break up with him! Your making him love you even more every day! You don't like him so just break up with him!

But she won't listen to me!

So I want you to listen to me! Think about the boy, if you break up with him later he will feel worse because he cares about you more ,but if you do it now he won't feel as bad.

Or... If you don't want to break up with him, make him not like you.

• stop hanging out with him

• don't talk to him as much

• annoy him

• ect.

If that doesn't work the your gonna have to break up with him.

- Hope this works and you'll be single in no time, Rose

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