Not for sure...

802 13 1

dear Rose,

I think one of my friends likes me. cause he's always nice around me and he is not like this to any other gurl so what do I do

Dear not sure,

If this guy likes you, chances are he won't tell you! (Boys aren't like the ones in stories where everything happens perfectly, and the guy tells the girl about his feelings. It just doesn't work like that!!!! )He will flirt with you, then with other girls. Be there for you then totally ditch  you. Then he may date your best friend:( I know how this feels): . But, if you want something to do, don't do anything! Wait for him! He may not ask you out now, or later... He may not even like you, it way be that he is just nicer to you than other girls because y'all are good friends!

So just wait for him to make move.

Hope he likes you!


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