Could This be The End?

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Hey everybody! (Cute 5SOS reference form me to soften you up for the anger you may feel towards me in a second...)

I'm thinking of possibly ending the advice book. I know I have 18K reads and everything and I am so thankful for all the reads and votes that you amazing people and your friends have given me. The thing is, I got a job, I have after school activities, and I've realized that I don't pay as much attention to the book as my as I did about three years ago. It's not that I don't care about you guys, it's just that I honestly don't have time for this, and it's not fair for people who need help fast.

    I have an idea though. Instead of people sending me their problems, I could start an advice book or a tips book that could help people with common problems that all of go through. I think it would be easier for me to maintain and it help people who may not want to comment or private message someone that they don't know. I will just randomly post chapters about, for example, how to talk to boys/girls, how to act when you meet you girlfriend/boyfriend's parents, etc.

    I know you guys may not like this idea and it's not even a 100% official thing. It is just an idea. Tell me what you think in the comments or a private message.

Love you all.

            - Rose xx

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