Chapter 27

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A little girl about the age of 10 was in her room playing with her toys. Yet there was one particular one she liked the most. A small stuffed bunny. She sat down on the floor playing with her little bunny until her mother came in.

"Carolina. Why aren't you in bed"? "I was playing with Mr. Bunny". "Ugh. You are playing with that thing to much. Your ten years old it's time to start growing up". "But Mommy-". "No buts now hand it over". The little girl pouted and gave the bunny to her mother. She made her get ready for bed and tucked her in. "Goodnight Caroline". "Goodnight mommy".

A few hours later

It was going past midnight and the little girl sleep peacefully. That is until she heard a sound coming from her door. She slowly woke up and rubbed her eyes. "Huh? Mommy"? The little girl got up and went over to the door. Once she opened it no one was there. She looked around curiously until her eyes want to the floor.


She jumped slightly when she says familiar item standing in front of her. "Mr. Bunny"? Mr. Bunny stood in front of her as she stared down at him after a while he moved up to her and tugged on her night gown. "W-What is it"? He kept pulling in her gown and pointed down the hall.

"Down there"? He nodded before letting go and running off". "Hey, wait up"! The little girl ran after the stuffed bunny but it was surprisingly faster. The little girl soon lost track of the bunny when she got to the end of the hall. "Huh"? Once she got to the end she tiled her head to the side. At the end was a light blue door. She stood there's for a while until it cracked open. The girl slowly made her way to it and opened it. "Hello". She called, but no replay. After a few seconds she stepped inside and looked around. The door lead into a different room that had thousands of toys.

The girl looked in awe as she looked at the you. "Wow". She walked up to a life side doll that had long black hair and wore a bright red sun dress. She lifted her hand to touch it until she felt something touch her shoulder.

"Hi Caroline".

She quickly turned around to see a girl with long silver hair and sparkling black eye. "H-Hi". "I'm glade you could make it we have been waiting for you to come".

Just as she said that a dark figure came over to them. "Well look who's here". A man with bright red hair and honey amber eyes walked over to the girl and brought her close. Caroline started at them both and shook a bit.

"W-Who are you"? "Oh I'm Jason The Toymaker, and this is my girlfriend Charm Roseville". "It's nice to meet you. Mr. Bunny has told us How you took such good care of him". "Mr. Bunny"? Right on cue, Mr. Bunny came out and jumped into Charm's arms. "He says your a great friend". Caroline only continued to stare as the two lovers smiled at her. "Jason"? "Yes my little rose"? "Didn't you make something special for Caroline"? "Oh that's Right! We made you a gift for taking care of our little friend here. Come with us and we'll show you".

Jason got behind Caroline and started to push her farther into the room. Caroline was started to get a bit scared as she went farther into the room. Soon they got to a big room with even more dolls and you and placed Caroline in the middle. "Okay stay right here. Well be right back". Both Jason and Charm hurried away leaving Caroline in the room alone.

She stood there nervously and looked at all the toys. As she looked closer She realised that the dolls were really life like. Like they were real people.

Not to long Jason and Charm can back hiding something behind them. "Okay Caroline. You ready"? She swallowed hard but nodded. The both smile wildly before taking the thing out from behind them. "Ta-Da"! Their gift to her was another life sized doll that seemed to be older then the others. Carolina's eyes widen as she looked at the doll. She began to shake and tear weld up in her eye.


The girl screamed at the sight of her mother in that state. Her eyes were lifeless and right on her chest was a huge gash. Like she was stabbed. Jason and Charm brought the doll to her, their smiles not leaving their faces. "Yes it's your Mommy". "We saw her take Mr. Bunny away from you when you were only trying to play with him so we decided to..........fix her up". Caroline shook as she started to back away. "What's wrong? Don't you like it"? Charm asked. "No! It's horrible! Your both horrible! How could you do this!? Get away from me! Your both monsters"!

Hearing Caroline's scream the both froze up. Their smiled disappeared and the stood their staring at her. Suddenly they dropped the doll to the floor and their faces twisted in anger. "But we did it for you". Jason said. "We just wanted to be good friends so we made this doll for you". Jason eyes started to glow green she Charm's became black and the markings spread across her face. Caroline froze in place as the two became terrifying.

"You know Jason. I think if Caroline can't appreciate what we did for her, there has to be something wrong with her". "Agreed. Maybe we should fix her up too". They both started to walk over to her making her back up more. Caroline looked at them both before turning around to run, but just as she turned, there stood Mr. Bunny looking as terrifying as the two behind.

Suddenly she felt something cold touch her neck. She slowly looked down to see a silver and red sword close to her neck. "Now now. Lets not be a bad girl. Let just be nice and come for a better improvement". Charm smiled evily as she held her sword closer to her neck. Jason got in front of the two and bent down to Caroline. "You know my little rose? I think she would look better with a new head". "Really? Yeah I think she would". They both smiled at each other before looking back at the trembling girl.

"Good bye Caroline".

Was the last thing she heard before feeling a quick sharp pain and everything went black.

Some time later

Charm and Jason were working on their new creation together in his little work area. "You've been doing a good job Charm your becoming the perfect partner". "Really"? "Of course. Your amazing". Charm giggled and snuggled against Jason.

The finished up the last few things before picking it up. "There. All done". The little girl now had a new head that had light pink hair, fake eyes and patches for the skin. Jason and Charm smiled before giving it to a different doll. "Could you put that with the others"? It nodded before running off. Charm wrapped her arms around Jason and looked up at him. "Now what do we do"? "Well we could have some more fun together". "Like what"? "Well......." Jason smiled wildly. "We could do... This"!

Jason started tickling Charm's thigh making her laugh. "Jason! No"! Charm tried to move away but Jason held her down. "Ah ah. That's a bad Charm". Charm started to cry from all the laughing and finally managed to get up and run. "I'll find you"! Jason ran after her and chased her around the shop. Soon Jason lost track of her and was looking all around.

"Charm? Come out, come out where ever you are". He kept looking around but found no sign of her. He then went over to a pile if toys to see if she was there, until he felt a weight on his back.

"Found me"! Charm yelled.

The both laughed as Jason started giving her a piggy back ride. After a while of playing, the two layed down on a pile of toys and cuddled close to each other.

"Charm"? "Yes"? "Did I say I love you"? "For the hundredth time today". "Well it true. I'm just happy to have someone like you by my side". "I'm happy too. And I have to say, turning people into doll is really fun". "I told you". "So now that we got another one down what do we do next"? "Well I usually go looking for another, but I think I'll just hold you for a while". Jason brought Charm closer to him and gave her a loving kiss.

"I love you my little Rose".

"I love you too my amazing Toymaker".

The End

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