Chapter 23

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Jason couldn't move once he heard the voice. He knew the voice well, but just couldn't believe it. He heard foot steps come over to him as he continued to stay still. Two arms wrapped around him and hugged him tightly. "I'm right here if you need me". The voice said again.

Jason finally looked back some and saw part of a red rose. "C-Charm". Jason said in a whisper. The person lifted their head up and smiled brightly. "I'm right here Jason". Jason's eyes widen in shock as he stared at her. Charm only continued to smile as he did.

Jason turned around to get a better look at her and placed his hand in her cheek. He looked deep into her eyes. As he did he could tell she was the same person he fell madly in love with. " is you"!

Jason pulled Charm into a big hug and spun her around a bit. Charm only giggled and returned the hug. Jason started to cry as he continued to hug her. He was just so happy to have the girl he loved so much back in his arms. After what seem like forever Charm pulled away from Jason and whipped away his tears. "Are you okay"? "Am I okay? I'm wonderful! I thought I lost you forever"! Jason started kissing Charm all over her face making her laugh more. "I know Jason, I'm happy too". " are you back? Last time I looked at you, you were on my work table". "I don't know. All I know is I woke up on you table and I heard you music box so I came looking for you".

"My music box"?

Jason thought for a moment, but soon remembered that he left his music box on Charm's chest. He quickly bent down and placed his head on Charm's chest. "Jason"? "Shh........". Charm stayed still as she looked down at Jason. Jason listened careful and his eyes widen once he heard the melody of his music box. He slowly stood back up and looked at Charm. "What's wrong"? "My music's your heart".

Charm's eyes widened too at his words. "What"? " I left it on your chest earlier because I knew it was one of the things you loved. must have fused itself with you somehow". Charm only stood in shock as she looked into Jason's eyes. She placed a hand on her chest and ran it over the scar.

"Well if it's fused with me What about you"? "Its still connected with me, but it is also you heart now. The music box keeps us both alive now. Charm could only stand there as she tried to process everything Jason was saying. She kept her hand on her chest and smiled a bit.

"Well that good right"? "What"? "Well the music box is both our hearts now. It means we are truly connected by our love now". Jason slowly smiled and brought her in for a hug. "Yeah I guess it dose". "Oh and Jason"? "Yes"? "Since I have your heart now, is anything going to change with me"? "I'm not sure. We're just going to have to wait and see, but right now. I just want to hold you".

Jason hugged Charm tighter and kissed her head. "I honestly thought I lost you". He said with his voice cracking a bit. "You'll never lose me Jason. Like I said, we will forever be friend". Jason chuckled and moved her back a bit to look at her face. He was able to see that beautiful smile he loved so much. The one thing he wanted to see for the past few days. "I love you my little rose". "I love you too my little Toymaker". They share a kiss and hugged each other again. "Oh and Jason". "Yes"? "My grandmother says hi". Jason can only smile and hug her even tighter.

The next day. Charm and Jason went to the Slendermansion to show everyone the good news. As soon as they all saw Charm they all were both shock and happy. Most of them almost killed her again with all the hugging, but she still loved it all anyway. After all the hugging, Charm and Jason told them how they were contacted with the music box. Of course everyone was shocked, but they were just so happy to have her back. After everyone got their hug Jason and Charm went outside and sat on the porch. Jason held her in his lap as she layed her head on his chest.

"Everyone really seems happy to see me". "Well of course. Your an amazing girl Charm. They all love you, although I love you most of all". Charm giggled and kissed his cheek. "I know you do".

Charm and Jason continued to cuddle on the porch and looked up at the night sky. As she did Charm began to think about all that's happened today. She got to see all the pastas again and hang out with everyone. She was just so happy to have her new family back. But that's when it got her. There was still one member of the family she hasn't seen yet.

"Jason"? "Hm"? Charm kept her gaze as the ground as she tried to get the words out. "Is something wrong"? "No, I just want to know something". "What is it". Charm kept quiet for a few minutes before looking up at Jason.

"Where's Laughing Jack"?

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