Chapter 10

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Charm didn't have time to get a grip on what was happening before her sword was knocked out of her hand and hit the ground with a loud crash. She quickly looked up to see Jason standing above her. He quickly bent down to her  and held her shoulders. "Don't ever do that again"! He yelled in a angry tone. "Do you have any idea how much you scared me"!? Charm just stared at him with wide eyes as tears started to go down her face again. At the moment Jason was in his rage form. Charm has never seen it before, and was terrified by the way he was looking at her. "Jason held her tightly as he continued to yell. "Charm, why on earth were you even considering doing something like this, this is just crazy". Charm said nothing and lowered her head so he couldn't see her face. "Charm answer me! Why would you do this"!? Charm still didn't say anything. "Charm"! 


She roughly pushed Jason away making him fall over. She quickly turned around so her back was to him and cried loudly. Jason was a bit shocked by Charm's actions, but it did bring him back to his senses. He got back up and changed back to his normal self. He quietly watched Charm cry and felt guilty for what he did. He let out a small sigh and got closer to her. "Charm...........I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just upset". Charm's cries slowed down a bit ,but she still had her back to Jason. "It's just...........why would you try to kill yourself"? Charm went completely silent and hugged herself. "Charm please talk to me, I want to help". "You wouldn't understand". She said in a whisper". "And I won't unless you tell me". "Jason please............I don't want to talk about this with you". "Charm". Jason wrapped his arm around Charm and hugged her tightly. "Please tell me. I know your upset about what you did, but I want you to explain to me why you would try to do such a thing. We're friends right"?

 Charm stayed quiet when Jason said that. She could tell the Jason was sad about her not telling him what was wrong, she would feel the same if it was the other way around. So she had no choice. "Alright". She turned back around to face Jason, but she kept her gaze to the ground. She stayed silent for a few minuets before sighing. "Jason.........remember when I told you I promised my grandmother I would keep my family honored"? "Yes". "But the only thing I did was dishonor it. I worked so hard to keep the Roseville family name strong, but in the end............I just ruined it. All because I let my anger take over"! Charm yelled a bit as she hugged herself tightly. Jason got closer and ran his hand through her hair. 

"Why did you get angry"? "I don't want to talk about that". "Fine, but we are still gonna talk about why you think killing yourself will make things better". "Because if I killed all that people that were important to me, what reason is there for me to live"? "Charm, just because you killed them doesn't mean you have to do this". "Yes it dose Jason"! Charm finally looked up at him with more tears in her eyes. "I killed my parents, all the maids, and everyone who has ever been there in m life! I can't go on knowing I did that"! "Charm stop it, your being ridiculous". "No I'm not ! I ruined everything that I worked so hard for! I'm the one who's dishonorable". "Don't ever call yourself that"!

 Jason grabbed Charm by her shoulders again, and pulled her into a hug. "You are not dishonorable Charm, you are strong, smart, sweet, and the most loyal friend ever". "Jason stop"! "No, I want you to see how much you mean to me"! "Why are you even trying so hard!? Why do you care so much if I kill myself or not"!? Jason went silent and held onto Charm tighter. They stayed like that for a short while, before Jason moved her back up. "Jaso-Mhm"!

 Before Charm could protest, Jason placed his lips on hers. She quickly froze in shock as the toymaker kissed her passionately. After a few minutes Jason finally pulled away and looked at Charm. She was still in a shocked state so she only stared at him. 

"I care so much because...............I love you".


 Charm couldn't believe what she just heard.  Jason moved her hair out her face and wiped away the tears on her cheeks. Charm just continued to stare at him as he gave her a serious face. "Over the time we been together, no one has ever been with me as long as you.You liked me even if I turned people into dolls. You actually cared for me, and you gave me something that proved you were a great friend". Jason reached into his jacket and pulled out the rose she gave him. "This resembles our friendship remember? It symbolizes that we will always be together no matter what right". Jason finally gave a smile and held the rose between them. Charm looked at the rose for a short moment, then back at Jason. "Yeah I remember". "And it will always symbolize our friendship, but I know realize my true feelings for you". Jason placed the rose down, and took Charm's face in both hands. 

"Charm Roesville, I love you. I always loved you. And I can't bare the thought of you killing yourself. I know your upset, but I will help you get through it". Charm was speechless. She could see Jason truly did love her. And if he loved her, how could she just leave him? Charm let out a small sigh and put a hand over his. "Alright............I won't do it". Jason smiled and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry Jason. I didn't know how much this affected you". "It's alright. Let just go home, it's almost morning".

 Charm nodded and they both got up from the ground, but before they did, Jason grabbed her choker and scabbard and went to get her sword. "I think these are yours". Jason handed her her things and she gave a small smile. "Thanks Jason". Charm put everything back on, and Jason put his arm around her, and started to walk her out the cemetery. Charm looked back to take one last glance at her grandmother's grave, and realized the rose was still there. "Wait Jason you forgot your rose". " lets just leave it". "But...." "It's okay Charm lets leave it for you grandmother, and besides....". Jason kissed her head and smiled. "Your the only rose I need". Charm blushed and looked away. Jason chuckled at her reaction and and kept walking with her in his arms. 

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