Chapter 12

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'Do you have no soul!? If you do this you'll ruin my family! 'And you think I care. The only reason I'm doing this is so I can be at the top, you and your pathetic family can just wither away for all I care'. 'How dare you'! ' Why don't you go bother someone else you little brat'? 'Oh that's it'! "Ahhh"!

Charm shot up out of her sleep and let out a scream. She ran her hands through her hair and let out small pants. 'There still happening'! She immediately felt arms wrap around her and bring her close. "Charm what happened"?

She looked up and saw Jason looking at her with a worried face. She said nothing at first until a few tears started to fall. "It happened again.............I had another nightmare". Charm shook in Jason's arms as he held onto her tightly. She cried softly into his chest as she felt Jason's hands run through her hair.

"Shhh.......clam down Charm, everything's okay". She started to calm down a bit as she listened to his words, but Charm was still shaking up by the nightmare. "I don't get it. I got my memory back, why am I still having these nightmares"? "I don't know, maybe there's still something you need to know. What was in this one"? "Well I was arguing with someone, I know it was a male". Charm rubbed her head as she did her best to remember.

"What where you arguing about"? "Well one of the things I said is that he was going to ruin my family". Jason thought for a moment until he remembered something from the other night. "Charm. Last night you mentioned someone named Jonathan".


Charm new the name well. The moment Jason said it everything fell into place. "Jonathan. It all started with him". "What do you mean"? "Well........". "Hey guys, you okay in there"?

Before Charm could say anything else BEN's voice came from outside the room. "We're fine BEN". Jason answered. "You sure we all heard Charm scream" ? "It alright, she's just still a bit shaken up about last night". "Alright then. Breakfast is ready if you guys want to eat". With that footsteps faded away from the door.

Charm sat there for a moment before getting out of bed. "Charm"? "Come on. We better go before everyone gets worried". Charm left out the room, and Jason jumped out of bed and went after her. "Wait! What were you gonna say"? Charm stopped and sighed. "Lets not talk about it now Jason, I rather just......forget". Charm walked down the hall leaving Jason to worry.


After everyone ate Breakfast, they all just sat in the living room. Charm and Jason sat next to each other on the couch and stayed quiet. Charm looked down at her lap while Jason looked at her. He wanted Charm to just tell him what's wrong, but Charm just wasn't ready yet.



Charm looked away from her lap to see Sally in front of her. "Oh hi Sally". "Are you okay"? "Oh yes I'm fine". Charm tried to pull of a convincing smile. "Are you sure you seem sad" "I'm okay Sally. I'm just still trying to get use to some things". "Well do you want to come play with me, it will take you mind off things"? "That sound like a good idea". Charm got up from the couch and followed Sally up stairs. Jason watched them leave as sighed.

'I wish she would just talk to me'.

'"Hey Jason". Candy Pop sat in the spot where Charm was sitting and greeted Jason. "On hi Candy". "Everything okay"? "Well, not really". "Oh boy, what happened"? "Well, Charm had another nightmare last night, but she just won't talk to me about it. Last night she said she loves me, but she still won't just tell me whats wrong".

"Jason you know the girl almost killed herself last night. Do you really think she wants to talk about any of that"? "Well........maybe not, but I only want to help her". "I know you do, but remember, Charm just found out she killed her family, do you remember how you felt when you killed "her"? Jason went silent and looked away from Candy Pop. "Yes". Jason looked down at the floor while Candy put his arm around him. "Look I'm sure she'll open up to you soon, just give it a little time". Jason stayed quiet for a short moment before smiling. "Your right, thanks Candy". "Any time buddy".

After a few hours, Jason still hadn't seen Charm Come back, so he went to Sally's room to see if they were still playing. Once he got there, he knocked on the door, and heard Sally's voice. "Coming". The door opened and the little girl stepped out.

"Oh hi Jason". "Hi Sally, is Charm with you"? "No". "What"? "We played for a while, then she left a long time ago". "Did she say where she went"? "I think she went outside. Something about clearing her head". "Thanks Sally". Jason rushed back down the hall leaving Sally confused. She just shrugged and went back into her room.

Charm sat outside on the porch and looked into the woods with the wind slightly blowing her hair. As she sat there, she let her mind wonder out. ' I understand it now. All of it started with him. Jonathan was the reason I went crazy and killed everyone. If only he wasn't so self and manipulative, I would have never done all at'. Charm narrowed her eyes into a glare as she continued to look into the woods.

"It was all his fault".



Charm almost jumped up when she turned to see Jason behind her. "Oh Jason, you startled me". "I'm sorry". He walked up to her and sat down on the porch next to her. "So are you alright"? "I'm fine, I just needed some time alone". "I see". They both stayed quiet for a while and Jason stared at Charm.

"Charm"? "Yes"? "You trust me right"? "Of course". "Then why won't you talk to me"? "Uh.........". "Charm, I really do love you, and I don't want to see you in pain". "Jason......". "I'm not gonna force you to tell me, but just know if you ever want to tell me anything, I'm all ears". Jason wrapped his arm around Charm and kissed her head. She blushed a little and moved her hair back.

"Thanks Jason. In a time like this it's good to know I have someone like you at my side". They both smiled as Jason continued to hold her. At that moment Charm got and idea and grabbed Jason's hand. "In fact, I want to show you something that no one outside my family knows". "What"? "It's better if I just show you". "Okay".

The both got up and Charm guided Jason into the woods. They walked for a while until Jason realized they were walking a different path. "Uh Charm, where are we going"? "Don't worry we're almost there". Jason gave her a confused look, but continued to go along.

After a few more feet they came up to a big bush behind two big trees. "Okay you ready"? "I guess, but what is this place"? "This is where I come to think of just to get away from things". Charm moved the bush aside so Jason could see what was up ahead. Jason eyes widen at what he was shown.


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